Note from IASA Chief of Staff/Director of Governmental Relations
The legislative issues included in this section of the
Superintendent’s Toolkit
designed to provide you with background, a definition of the issues, some suggested
talking points and links to a variety of resource materials that we have collected.
In some cases, they will need to be customized with your specific school district
information or updated facts and figures, and we have tried to highlight those areas.
I know that you are already aware of these issues. This information is to provide you
with the resources with which to communicate with your legislators, the media or the
general public. The information also can easily be turned into letters to the editor.
As Director of Governmental Relations for IASA, I always am available to assist members with issues
that may arise in your district. My email is
nd the office phone is (217) 753-
2213. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance.
Diane Hendren
Diane Hendren,
Chief of Staff /
Director of
Gov’t Relations
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