policing, it is important to learn from your errors so that they do not happen
again. Mistakes will happen as we are human but the fact you have made
a decision should not be overly criticised as in the majority of cases the
decision is made with the best intentions.
To conclude, I briefly want to mention the new website. Cathy Key and I have
had a number of lengthy meetings with our website designers to try and
start the process of eradicating the issues found. I do not like the phrase
on-going but that does sum up where we are and this will be the scenario
for some months as we gradually improve the content and make the website
more compatible to our needs.
Please continue to send any issues into HQ for actioning but as you will
appreciate whilst they will be logged they will be addressed in a priority
order. As agreed with the NEC, I have an action to put together a delivery
plan to deal with the outstanding tasks that need to be completed on the
website which will be a minimum six month project.
Lastly, regard to the NEC, our workstream action list continues to be lengthy
which can be read one of two ways; either we are not getting the work done
or there is plenty of work still to do. I like to think it’s the latter but you will
have to be the judge of that!
Continue to have fun and keep safe enjoying your IPA activity wishing all the
prospective NEC candidates good luck in the forthcoming elections.
Yours in Friendship, Mick, Proud to be President of Section UK
Are you an active member, the kind that
would be missed....
Or are you just content that your name is
on the list?
Do you attend the meetings and mingle
with the crowd?
Or would you rather stay at home and
complain both long and loud?
Do you give a little time to help and
make things tick?
Or leave the work to just a few and talk
about the “clique”?
There’s quite a programme scheduled
that means success if done
And it can be accomplished with the
help of everyone.
So come to all the meetings and help
with hand and heart.
Don’t be just another member but take
an active part.
Think it over Member – are you right or
Are YOU an Active Member or do you just
Lawrence Wright
Chairman no 8 Region.
Are YOU an
or do you just
WOYB President Mick Luke and Sara
at the top of the Cairngorm Mountain
Vol 62 No. 2, 2017
Working on your behalf