Vol 59 No. 4, 2014
event for 2014 – the Arthur Troop Birth
Centenary celebrations in December.
With guests from many overseas
Section attending, it looks to be a
fantastic occasion. Section UK
will use the event, which takes
place in Nottingham and Lincoln,
to formally re-name the British
Section Administrative Centre to IPA
HQ – Section UK. Mark argued for
a change of name as BSAC no longer
fits the corporate style being applied by
other IPA Sections.
Fred Boyd
Section UK’s 2015 National
Council Meeting will take place
4–7 June at Theobalds Park
Hotel, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.
Fred is liaising with the host
region – Region 9 – over facilities,
booking arrangements etc.
He has been watching
closely the interest shown
by members in the
IPA National Lottery –
launched in July. The pot is
growing steadily as more
members become aware
of it. Turn to page 23 for
news on lottery winners.
To enter the lottery,
Dave Taylor
The Section’s 1st Annual
Charity Ball, organised by Dave,
was held in June (see page
21). With responsibilities for
IPA HQ and Section UK staff, Dave is overseeing
improvements to the fabric of the HQ building
ready for the aforementioned celebrations taking
place in December. Establishing additional
working hours for Jo Conway (see page 22) to
process the increase in application forms and
maintain a good quality of member service, was
an important item on Dave’s agenda over the
New Mission Statement
The National Executive Committee (NEC) has
refreshed its mission statement.
Since allowing police staff to have IPA
membership, the previous statement had
become out of date. The new mission reads as
. To coordinate and facilitate with all Regions,
Branches and Special Interest Groups
comprising Section United Kingdom to increase
their membership, while
. Developing and enhancing the collective
experience of members and their families by
organising and promoting social activities and
professional opportunities, and to
. Promote the IPA internally and externally as
a first class member focussed and inclusive
friendship association.
Regional Liaison
Following changes to the NEC, there is a change
to NEC / Regional Liaison Roles as follows:
President Mick Luke will cover Region 1. Contact:
Secretary General Dave Taylor will cover Regions: 5
and 8. Contact:
Treasurer Fred Boyd will cover Regions: 2 and 10.
Vice President Ronnie Dukes will cover Regions: 4
and 6. Contact:
Vice President Mark Kernohan will cover Regions: 7
and 11. Contact:
Vice President Sean Hannigan will cover Regions: 3
and 9. Contact:
Each member of the NEC is available to offer advice
or support to the Regional Executive assigned to
them. They will also attend at least one meeting of
their nominated Region - enabling a more personal
contact between Region and Branch members.
Interested in meeting
IPA members visiting
London Reception Officer (LRO) for the
International Police Association (IPA), Section
UK, Bob McCormack has provided some updates
to the list of advice given to members visiting
The updates follow a meeting of London Region
Members during July. Representatives from Regions
6, 9, 10 and 11 were there to discuss the LRO
Role and how the four Regions could better match
the huge demand for travel assistance from IPA
members visiting London.
The LRO is compiling a list of members who are
willing to help with visitors. Anyone interested
should email Bob on:
Please give your name, Region / Branch; Contact
point; Serving/Retired; Additional skills, eg
languages / knowledge of area.
News from the World Congress
President Mick Luke and I attended the IPA
World Congress in Potsdam, Germany.
Below is
a report highlighting some of the key points and
motions that were discussed and voted upon.
The first motion was to increase the Permanent
Executive Bureau (PEB) term of office from
3 years to 4 years - this was debated and
carried. Following this decision, the motion for
no distinction between International Executive
Council (IEC) Conferences and IPA World Congress
was also carried. There will now be an annual IPA
World Congress - with an elective World Congress
every 4 years.
The change of name from PEB to International
Executive Board (IEB) was also carried. A motion
to restrict the International President’s term of
office was not carried. It was also agreed that a
candidate can now only run for one PEB (now IEB)
position per elective term.
It was agreed to create a new 3 tier system to
simplify the current structure of International
documents. The new system will be defined
under the categories: International Statutes,
International Rules and Procedures. Motions on
Commission members and reassignment of tasks
for the International Internal Commission (IIC)
were also both carried.
After a period of extended discussion the
motion to restructure the PEB (now IEB) was
passed. In future, instead of electing IEB Vice
Presidents, delegates will vote for an International
Commission for External Relations (ERC) Chair, an
International Professional Commission (IPC) Chair
and an International Socio-Cultural Commission
(ISCC) Chair. One Chair will then be elected to
the post of Vice President in standing. Chairs will
select members to work on Commission projects.
The motion to expel Section Gabon from the IPA
was carried. A number of motions, from countries
including Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Israel, were
debated and then withdrawn.
International President, Pierre-Martin Moulin, had
the pleasure of welcoming 3 new Sections to the
Association, namely Kazakhstan, FYRO Macedonia
and Montenegro. All members present welcomed
the new Sections with rapturous applause.
The good news continued as Section UK were
awarded a website Gold certificate of Merit, for the
third year in a row.
Fred Boyd
, Treasurer
Mick Luke and Fred Boyd