students and staff by 2017. These are based upon the
recommendations of the State Educational Technology
Directors’ Association.
Remember, these bandwidth requirements appear
to be for the PARCC assessment, so districts will have
to determine what additional bandwidth requirements
each will have simultaneous to the exams being given.
For instance, the e-mail system needs X bandwidth,
the student information system needs Y and file
services require Z. Each district’s Internet Service
Provider (ISP) should be able to provide an analysis of
current bandwidth uses. Also, as a district migrates to
more cloud-based resources, bandwidth requirements
will increase. One of the best bandwidth calculators
available is School 2.0’s Bandwidth Calculator
available at:
PARCC just released a good capacity planning
tool in March 2013, which is listed at the end of article
as well.
Another piece that hasn’t been widely discussed is
that the original version of PARCC will be replaced by
a more multimedia-rich version about 2017. So the
initial version is only planned to be used for a couple of
years. The more multimedia resources (videos,
interactive pages, sound files, etc.), the more
bandwidth required for each student. As many web
filter and firewall devices are scaled based upon
potential bandwidth, districts should review those
devices and ensure that they will still function properly
at the new increased bandwidths.
(Continued from page 7)
Where to go to find
additional information:
s Tool
Preparing for PARCC ——————————————————
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