Program Book - page XII

Biophysical Society 58
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
The Society’s committees have planned several professional
development activities to take place during the Annual Meeting.
Below is a schedule of all of those activities. Detailed descriptions
of the sessions can be found in the daily program. In addition, a
student lounge for undergraduates will be available Sunday, February
16–Tuesday, February 18 in the Rotunda in Moscone South.
Sessions in italics will be held in Career Center, Room 300.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
1:00 pm–2:40 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
3:00 pm–4:00 pm
Networking Now: How to Maximize
Success at BPS 2014
3:30 pm–4:30 pm Undergraduate Mixer and Poster Fest
4:30 pm–5:30 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
Sunday, February 16, 2014
7:30 am–8:30 am Postdoctoral Breakfast
8:30 am–1:00 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
9:00 am–10:00 am
Beyond the Bench: Preparing for Your
Career Transition in the Life Sciences
10:00 am–5:00 pm Biomolecular Discovery Dome
10:30 am–11:30 am
Career Catalyst: Understand Who You Are
to Get What You Want
noon–1:00 pm
Selling Yourself to the Life Sciences Industry
noon–2:00 pm
Mid-Career Interactive Forum:
The Art and Perils of Networking **
1:00 pm–2:30 pm Moving on from Your Postdoc Position:
Negotiating the Transition
2:00 pm–3:30 pm Teaching Science Like We Do Science:
Integrating Research and Education
2:30 pm–3:30 pm
Networking Now: How to Maximize
Success at BPS 2014
2:30 pm–4:00 pm Funding: If Not from Federal Agencies,
from Where?
2:30 pm–6:00 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Ten Tough Industrial Interview Questions
(and Ten Pretty Good Responses)
Monday, February 17, 2014
7:30 am–8:30 am Graduate Student Breakfast
8:30 am–10:00 am
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
10:00 am–11:00 am
Career Open Forum/Career Q&A Session
10:00 am–5:00 pm Biomolecular Discovery Dome
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Beyond the Bench: Preparing for Your
Career Transition in the Life Sciences
11:30 am–12:30 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
11:30 am–1:00 pm Undergraduate Student Pizza “Breakfast”
Professional Development & Educational Sessions
1:00 pm–3:00 pm Grant Writing Workshop: How (Not) to
Write Your NIH Grant Proposal
1:00 pm–3:00 pm Graduate & Postdoc Institution Fair
1:30 pm–3:00 pm Biophysics 101: X-Ray Crystallography
2:00 pm–5:20 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
2:15 pm–3:45 pm
How to Get Your Scientific Paper Published
2:30 pm–3:30 pm
Career Catalyst: Understand Who You Are
to Get What You Want
2:30 pm–4:00 pm
Preparing for Promotions: Everything You
Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask
2:30 pm–4:00 pm
Biophysics at the National Large Facilities:
Current and Future Science Possibilities
4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Ten Tough Industrial Interview Questions
(and Ten Pretty Good Responses)
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
8:00 am–9:00 am
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
9:30 am–10:30 am
The Power of Groups: How to Help
Others Help You in Your Job Search
10:00 am–5:00 pm Biomolecular Discovery Dome
11:00 am–1:00 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
noon–2:00 pm Postdoc to Faculty Q & A: Transitions
Forum and Luncheon**
12:30 pm–2:00 pm Career Opportunities at Primarily
Undergraduate Institutions:
Finding a Job & Finding Success
1:00 pm–2:00 pm Networking with Minority Biophysicists:
Resources & Opportunities
1:30 pm–2:30 pm Science and Policy with Steven Chu
2:15 pm–3:30 pm Wiki-Edit 2014 Contest Kick-Off:
The Importance of Open License Media
to Our Science
2:15 pm–3:30 pm The Basics, theDiscoveries and the Controversies
2:30 pm–3:30 pm
What to Do When You Are Tired of Doing
What You Are Doing: A Unique Interactive
Workshop for Experienced Workers
2:30 pm–4:30 pm PhD Careers Beyond the Bench
4:00 pm–5:00 pm
One-on-One Resume Critiques*
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
8:30 am–11:45 am
Rapid Resume Review Process–
15 minute one-on-one resume critique sessions
10:00 am–1:00 pm Biomolecular Discovery Dome
* Slots for the one-on-one resume critiques are available on a first-come,
first-served basis and fill up quickly. You may sign up for a critique begin-
ning at noon on Saturday, February 15 in the Career Center, Room 300.
** These events required pre-registration. If space is available, individu-
als who have not pre-registered may attend. Please stop by the event at
the beginning of the session to see if space is available.
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