are schools serving their students well
without CSNs?
Is this an unfunded mandate that, given
the times, is unaffordable in most districts?
Is it feasible under the current rules to
upgrade currently employed RNs to CSN
Are there enough CSNs currently available
to fill all of the school nursing positions?
ISBE and Dr. Koch are to be commended for
understanding and addressing this problem, listening
to superintendents and delaying the July 1
implementation. But there is more to be done, such
Reviewing the whole situation in terms of
what schools really need and can support
in the area of nursing staff.
Evaluating who can actually do a medical
review besides a CSN. The current rules
seem arbitrary and do not give much credit
to RNs.
Increasing the opportunities for currently
employed RNs to earn a Type 73
certificate by encouraging on-line, evening
and weekend classes and reducing or
eliminating the 300-hour internship for
those who have experience.
Devising a mechanism for school districts
to petition ISBE to keep currently
employed RNs.
Stay tuned!
(Continued from page 17)
School Nurse story —————————————————————————
ISBE releases presentation
on exchange of certificates for licenses
The Illinois State Board of Education has created a 15-minute online
presentation explaining the ongoing transition from a certificate system to a
licensure system for Illinois educators. This is the first in a series of tutorials
leading up to implementation of the new Educator Licensure Information
System (ELIS) system.
ELIS will replace the Educator Certification System (ECS) on July 1, 2013.
This particular tutorial gives an overview of the change from ECS to ELIS,
including important milestone dates, the three types of licenses,
endorsements, renewal cycles and other general information about the new
licensure system.
The narrated online tutorial can be accessed by clicking
TRS analysis of the various pension proposals
Please click
o access the Teachers Retirement System
analysis of the various pension reform proposals now pending in
the General Assembly.
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