Revised 1/27/16
BASA Conferences At-A-Glance
January 2016– June 2016
June 2016
6 BASA Golf Outing, Royal American Links
9 Changing Landscapes for Passing School Tax Issues (Corky O’Callaghan), BASA
13-14 Connect for Success, The Ohio Union, OSU
13-14 New Superintendents (OSLF), The Ohio Union, OSU
January 2016
7 BASA Regional Meeting, The ESC Center (Cuyahoga County)
8 BASA Regional Meeting, Bowling Green State University-Levis Commons
15 The Changing Landscapes for Passing School Tax
Issues, (Corky O’Callaghan), BASA
19 BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School
20 BASA Regional Meeting, BASA
25 BASA Regional Meeting, Hamilton County ESC
27 Employee Discipline (Upslope Solutions), BASA
28 Employee Discipline (Upslope Solutions), The ESC Center (Cuyahoga County)
February 2016
4 School Law Hot Topics (Bricker & Eckler location TBD)
9-10 OPES Training, University of Dayton Dublin Campus
11-12-13 AASA NCE, Phoenix, Arizona
18-19 How to School Finance, BASA
23 New Superintendents (OSLF), Doubletree Worthington
23-24-25 OSLI Cohort 30 (OSLF), Doubletree Worthington
25 Communications Conference, University of Dayton Dublin Campus
March 2016
9-10 BASA School Facilities & Safety Conference, Doubletree Worthington
9-10 New Superintendents (OSLF), Doubletree Worthington
29 Employee Discipline (Upslope Solutions), Northwest Ohio ESC
30 Employee Discipline (Upslope Solutions), BASA
31 Employee Discipline (Upslope Solutions), The ESC Center (Cuyahoga County)
April 2016
7 Special Education Workshop (Bricker & Eckler), Doubletree Worthington
12-13 Celebrating Women in Leadership, Hilton Columbus/Polaris
13-14 How to School Finance, BASA
14 BASA Regional Meeting, BASA
15 BASA Regional Meeting, Bowling Green State University-Levis Commons
20 BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School
21 BASA Regional Meeting, The ESC Conference Center (Cuyahoga County)
22 BASA Regional Meeting, Montgomery County ESC
26 New Superintendents (OSLF), Doubletree Worthington
26-27-28 OSLI Cohort 30 (OSLF), Doubletree Worthington
May 2016
3-4 OPES Training, University of Dayton Dublin Campus