be beneficial to you.”
When looking at the modelling industry
from the outside, through photographs in
magazines and televised campaigns, it can
be easy to lump all the sectors together
and to presume that the experience of
male and female models is relatively similar.
However, this is definitely not the case.The
women and men of the fashion industry
experience many different challenges
and pressures. Working alongside female
models is a regular occurrence for Elliot
who said, “I think male models do not feel
as pressured to fit into a category or to
be skinny. As a male model, I tend to find
that there is less pressure to be of a certain
weight. Most people rarely see a boy and
comment on how skinny he is but I hear
people comment on girls’ weight all the
However, Elliot also believes male
models face their own separate difficulties,
especially whenworking in a woman’s world.
The industry is generally more focused on
women. I feel that male models
are sort of like their counterpart.
Do not get me wrong, there
is definitely a market for male
models but it is not as big.” Isla
agreed, “In Scotland, particularly,
there is much less work for
male models than female. The
models at mainboard level are
more likely to succeed. When
a male model joins our agency
we urge the importance of self-
promotion and having a positive
working attitude.”
presented, Elliot Mackie will
rise to the occasion. The teenage model
has proven himself despite concerns over
his height and is sure to further succeed
in the future. Having learned more about
the fashion industry over the past year
Elliot has taken an interest in photography,
something he hopes to pursue after his
modelling career has ended. Animated,
speaking quickly, Elliot said, “Some of my
biggest personal achievements have been
to work with amazing photographers I
aspire to, like Tommaso Salamina and Erica
Fava. I really enjoy photography and it is
something I am looking into. I think having
experienced life on the other side of the
camera it is almost a natural progression.”
With increasing emerging talent on the
fringes of the men’s modelling industry, the
future looks positive.The successful young
men of the modelling industry,like Elliot,are
setting the tone for the next generation of
models and a new and improved industry.
editor saying well done, which
felt so good.” Isla Rafferty said,
Unfortunately, in Scotland
male models that are less
commercial do not get as much
interest from bookers. In the
odels with
like Elliot,
are very popular. In Rome Elliot
has come across many fantastic
Since working in Rome,
Elliot’s profile in the fashion
industry has risen. From
working on large scale photo
shoots with pieces designed by
Dior, Givenchy and Balmain, his knowledge
of the fashion industry has expanded. Elliot
preaches the importance of international
work to any model hoping to succeed. “I
have learnt so much more from working in
Italy. Everything is on a much larger scale,
there are more resources and everyone is
incredibly stylish.”
Behind the extravagant exterior of high
fashion editorials, Elliot has experienced
both the positive and negative aspects of
the men’s modelling industry. Reflecting
back on his journey so far, Elliot advised,
You have to be realistic.Always be ready to
be disappointed because, in fashion, nothing
is guaranteed. Although, when things do
work out and fall into place, working in
fashion is fantastic.You really need to work
hard. Do not rely completely on an agency,
you need to network and do as much as
you can. Once you are established, you can
be more selective about who you work
with. Only work with someone who is
going to give you good images and who will
Photography: Laura McKinnon
Make-Up: Katie Sproull
Clothing: Suits from £75 at Slaters Glasgow