was already well
established when she joined The Model
Team. For models at Tara’s level we provide
high quality, well-paid and published jobs.
Since joining our agency Tara has become
a regular in the MODH magazine and the
Saturday and Sunday Herald.”
Providing guidance for models,
particularly those in their early teens,
is something Tara feels strongly about.
Relaxed, Tara opens up about her teenage
insecurities,“I remember the pressure I felt
to look skinny at the age of 15, without a
modelling career. I feel that in the modern
industry there is too much pressure on
young models to be of a certain weight and,
as a result, many young girls have false ideas
about beauty. Personally, I do not agree
with using models under the age of 16.
No one is truly sure of themself at such a
young age.” Speaking with conviction there
is an admirable integrity toTara. Looking at
her now as a mature and decisive career
woman, it is clearTara’s work in the fashion
industry has helped her develop as a
Once a model has become established
on a domestic level the next step is often
to work overseas. In an industry as multi-
cultural as fashion, international work can
be the making of a model. For Tara, who
began working in Dubai with LMM before
being signed to agencies domestically in
international work is vital. “Though
it can sometimes be good to be a big fish
in a small pond, I think international work
is essential for a model’s personal and
professional development. You can learn a
lot from working out-with your comfort
zone and working abroad will widen your
eyes to other areas of the industry and to
what else you are capable of.”
Tara’s work inDubai has led her tomodel
French Vogue
and work with the likes of
Estée Lauder, Urban Outfitters and Gucci.
Shot earlier this year, the Gucci editorial
is Tara’s most high profile job to date.
Beaming earnestly Tara said, “All the other
models for the Gucci campaign were flown
out from New York, which was incredibly
nerve wracking. I was honoured and almost
shocked to be considered at the same level
as the other models. I did feel under a lot
of pressure but that is something worth
getting used to. It can work very positively
and push you to produce amazing work. I
constantly strive to improve myself.”
With a constant determination to
further her career and expand on her
abilities, Tara believes versatility and
dedication is the key to success. “A
model needs to be like a chameleon. You
need to be completely in control of your
expression and fit whatever brief is given,
even if it is out-with your comfort zone. I
think that is important for any job, not just
in the modelling world.” Cathy agrees that
much of Tara’s appeal is due to her strong
work ethic and her ability to fit most looks.
Tara can pull off a grungy, contemporary
look but can also suit vintage styles. The
feedback we get from photographers is
always positive.” With this in mind Cathy
hopes to get Tara representation in other
areas across the globe. “We are looking
into the Asian market in Hong Kong and
Tokyo to extend Tara’s experience.”
The jet setter lifestyle is not the only
factor in the highly demanding job of a
century model. Today’s model does
not merely sell clothes through posing
for photographic editorials or working
on catwalk shows. In order to truly make
it in the modern industry you have to
be able to sell products in commercial
advertisements. Dutch model, Daphne
Groeneveld is known worldwide since
featuring in the highly popular, fun loving
Dior Addict fragrance commercial. Daphne,
now a favourite choice forTV commercials,
has recently featured in the H&M Autumn/
Winter advert.Tara too got the chance to
expand into acting whilst working on the
Pepsi Sting Energy Drink commercial earlier
this year. “Though I can spot the similarities
between acting
and modelling, the two felt
completely different whilst working on the
advertising campaign.It was very challenging
because you need to have constant energy
and flow of expression.”
Tara giggles as she thinks back to the
audition process. “My agency in Dubai
suggested I apply for the Pepsi acting job.
Thecasting videoswereprettyembarrassing
and cringe worthy but I was really pleased
to get the job. I enjoyed working on the
advert and experimenting as you have
more room for improvisation when acting.”
In the modern entertainments industry
there are many linked career pathways and,
in a notoriously short lived career, many
models go on to become actors and vice
In 2012 Tara Nowy has brushed
shoulders with those at the forefront of
the industry and, with a diverse range of
experience under her belt both at home
and abroad in modelling and acting, a
prosperous future definitely lies ahead for
her.Despite the short lifespan of an average
modelling career, Tara hopes to reach a
high status in the entertainments industry.
I will continue to model for as long as I
can and embrace every opportunity that
comes my way. I would like to do more
acting. I took drama classes throughout my
childhood and I think they have helped me
as a model.”
The Model Team
Life Model Management
Location:The GlasgowVintageVehicle Trust
Clothing:The GlasgowVintage Company