Gastro MK at Maison
At this unique restaurant
you can enjoy canapés
in a relaxed and friendly
atmosphere on a roof
top overlooking the
Koutoubia Mosque. Be
warned; this exclusive
eating experience is
in popular demand so
make sure to book your table the minute
you start to unpack your suitcase. It boasts
a fusion of Moroccan and modern French
cuisine; a real treat for the true foodies.
Chez Ali
Great food, good company and fantastic
entertainment, all of these elements make
up for a perfect evening. This wonderful
restaurant provides authentic Moroccan
food and performances by village dance
troops, belly dancers and horse acrobats.
This light-hearted night out is a great way
to round up a memorable holiday.
Dar Moha
If you are looking to soak up the romantic
atmosphere with your partner then Dar
Moha is the place for you. The tables are
draped with rose petals and you will dine
next to a small mosaic tile pool whilst
surrounded by beautifully lit candles. This
enchanting restaurant is a key part of
Morocco’s fine dining experience.
Food stalls at Djemaa el Fna
Going to a fancy restaurant is a nice
treat but why not try something
different in Marrakech. One of
the best ways to get a real feel
of the city is to eat out in the
heart of the city. The markets
are a great place to try out a
variety of the local cuisines
whilst enjoying the vibrant
While you might not
have guessed it, this
city is renowned for its
lively nightlife, appealing music and
friendly atmosphere. The city nightlife is
very relaxed but is also extravagant and
glamorous. DJs play bothWestern pop and
Moroccan hits, allowing the tourists to
mingle with the locals.
Pacha Marrakech
This famous night club attracts the rich and
famous, elite DJs from around the world,
playboys and party girls.The venue is huge,
the atmosphere is electric and the drinks
flow all night long. What more could you