LWW Digital Catalogue 2014 - page 12

VitalSource ebooks allow students to access
their course material anytime, anywhere.
Information is easily accessible & the search
functionality makes it easy to find the right
information quickly — & no more carrying
heavy textbooks to class!
Ebook s
& Beyond
• Access your books anytime anywhere.
Desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone—the
bookshelf downloads files to your
device or lets you access online. Students can
study at home on their laptop, at school on
a campus machine, or on their smartphone
on the train—or all three! Bookshelf keeps
everything in sync & at your fingertips.
• Support for rich media & interactivity
. Bookshelf
supports interactive content, such as videos
and animations. Media-enhanced books allow
students to watch processes, see implications, &
better understand the concepts.
• Create study notes & collaborate with educators
& classmates
. Highlight passages & add notes.
Even better, students can subscribe to their
friends & educators or ‘follow’ them as they make
their own notes & highlights.
• Increase study efficiency by finding important
information faster
. Students can search in
one book or their entire library for words or
pictures, through notes, or even through friend &
educator notes. Also, right-click any word to find
definitions immediately.
• Accessibility
. The VitalSource Bookshelf is
engineered to provide the best possible access for
impaired students.
How do I access VitalSource ebooks?
Desktop Computer or Laptop
Download books to a computer and access them in
the VitalSource Bookshelf desktop application. Once
the book has downloaded you can view it offline.
Left your computer behind? No problem. Get your
books online from any Internet-connected computer:
library, computer lab, cyber cafe, wherever.
An app allows students to view their textbooks via
a tablet or smartphone. Read on the train or plug in
headphones to listen to the ‘Speaking’ function.
Is it possible to print? How about copy & paste?
The ability to print, copy & paste is built in. To protect
publishers, the number of pages that you can print or
copy is limited, usually to two pages at one time.
Can I have my books on two computers?
es – to make it convenient, books can be viewed
simultaneously on two devices at any given time.
This allows students to review multiple chapters
coveniently on a tablet and laptop/computer. Notes
and highlights sync so there’s no need to repeat or
copy from one device to another.
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