Lea+Elliott’s success is largely due to our intellectual capital, our long legacy of excellence
and our enduring culture of mutual respect, cooperation and collaboration.
Our Board is actively engaged in defining the mission and vision for the future of the
company that is consistent with our core values and establishing and refining policies
that support our collective goals. We are committed to an on-going process of planning
for the future through our Strategic Planning initiatives. Consistent with our culture of
collaboration, the strategic planning process is designed to provide opportunities for all
of our employees to have a voice and take ownership in the company. This creative and
inclusive process keeps the ideas current and fresh while providing our employees the
opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of the company. We don’t just let things
happen to us, we make change happen!
Much of Lea+Elliott’s business success is our knowledge of automated systems as it relates to moving
people. The future possibilities related to the science of moving people are vast. With the current trend
toward more people choosing to live in urban environments, as well as considerations such as the aging
demographics, the need and application for automated and autonomous systems will continue to grow. We
believe our market niche will continue to be a sustainable business model and will provide an excellent
platform for remaining on the leading edge of the industry as new technologies emerge. Our understanding
of the complexity of human perception as it relates to level of service issues and the importance of passenger
safety and reliability of transportation systems, our in-depth knowledge of automated technologies coupled
with the expertise of our multi-disciplined staff in managing the complexities of integrating transportation
systems in dynamic environments (physically, politically and commercially) are very adaptable as the new
markets develop.
Whatever the future may hold, Lea+Elliott will continue to embrace innovation in transportation. It is with
pride in who we are and how far we have come, that we look forward to helping shape the next 40 years of
automated transportation.
Diane Woodend Jones, AIA, AICP, LEED AP
Chairman of the Board
A Conclusion from our
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