TIME TO ACT | To Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants - page 33

Global implementation of the 16 BC control
measures would substantially improve air
quality and could avoid approximately
2.4 (0.7–4.6) million outdoor air pollution-
related premature deaths annually, and have
an even larger impact on reduced chronic
morbidity beginning in 2030 (UNEP &
WMO 2011; Shindell D.
et al
. 2012). These
measures would also deliver significant
additional health benefits from reduced
indoor pollution, and smaller benefits could
also be achieved from reduced O
including from CH
The most substantial benefits will be felt
immediately in or close to the region of
implementation, with the greatest health
benefits expected in Asia, both in number
of lives saved, and in terms of quality of life
and avoided chronic diseases.
Improved cookstoves would deliver the
greatest benefits in Africa, Asia and Latin
America and the Caribbean, followed by
measures targeting the transport sector.
Replacing domestic wood-burning
technologies with pellet stoves would bring the
largest benefits in North America and Europe,
while the ban of open burning of agricultural
waste would also bring important health
gains in all regions (UNEP & WMO 2011).
Benefits for Public Health
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