Wireline Issue 26 Winter 2013 - page 25

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- I S S U E 2 6 W I N T E R 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
e want to secure a high
level of future candidates
that can work for TOTAL
E&P UK (TEP UK) and TOTAL globally
for many years to come. We can only do
this by speaking to school pupils from an
early age to help them better understand
our business, what we do, where we
are going and how they can contribute,”
asserts Sandra McIntosh, communications
adviser at TOTAL.
Many companies in the UK oil and gas
industry play a valuable role in supporting
STEM (science, technology, engineering
and mathematics) activities nationwide.
These connections with local schools
are beneficial for both parties, helping
teachers bring the subjects to life through
practical classroom projects, talks, visits,
work placements or STEM clubs.
TEP UK finds that its newly recruited
graduates, in particular, are effective
At the grassroots
Encouraging and instilling an interest in science, technology, engineering and
maths among schoolchildren throughout the UK is crucial to ensure future
take-up of the exciting opportunities available in sectors such as oil and gas.
puts a microscope on just some of the many industry activities at the
grassroots level.
TOTAL E&P UK’s graduate level engineers have designed
and developed a range of models to demonstrate complex
offshore processes to schoolchildren
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