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The Power of Teacher-Based Teams Showcased in OLAC’s Newest
Online Resources
The Power of Teacher-Based Teams Showcased in OLAC’s Newest Online Resources
At its annual Action Forum, the Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC) hosted more than 400 educators
for a day of learning about the knowledge and tools they need to advance the work of Teacher-Based
Teams (TBTs).
Educators walked away with resources that underscored the importance of teacher collaboration, and
clarified important work happening across the state around Ohio’s New Learning Standards, new measures
of student achievement and progress, and teacher and principal evaluations systems.
Two of the featured TBT resources that will continue to live on OLAC’s website—which educators are
encouraged to check out—include:
1. OLAC’s newest online learning module: “Teacher-Based Teams: What Districts Need to
This online learning module provides support for the development of teacher-based teams by helping
connect their work to the goals and strategies developed by the district and the related action steps
established by their school.
2. Teacher-Based Teams in Action video
This video brings to life the framework that OLAC and the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) have
developed to help schools use collaborative structures and share the responsibility for improving
student achievement. It thoroughly explores how the 5-Step Process works in teacher-based teams and
in the classroom.
to access these and other online learning tools.
President’s Message – Continued from page 1 -
to place an ad in the local papers listing the accomplishments, course offerings, and awards of our high school. It ’s
recruiting season for some of the private schools in our area...I want to out-recruit those schools and keep students in
our school system. The issues that impact public education need solutions that require components other than more
difficult assessments, a more rigorous curriculum, an alternate school and district ranking system, and a revised
evaluation process. As Diane Ravitch so eloquently stated during her remarks at the recent Ohio School Board
Association Capital Conference, "School reform must occur in tandem with social reform.” This requires a collaborative
effort for improvement, not a negative campaign about public education.
We have the ability to create a new appreciation for public education. We all need to begin immediately; this campaign
is not about levies and bond issues, but the preservation of what makes America great: a strong public education
Take the opportunity during the upcoming holiday season to make time for yourself and your family. We all need to re-
charge and re-focus for the challenges ahead, but nothing takes precedence over your personal health and family
obligations. I wish you all a very enjoyable holiday and a happy, healthy New Year.
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