Blue Carbon - page 68

The most recent estimates indicate that human activities are cur-
rently responsible for annual global carbon emissions of around
7–10,000 Tg C yr
, of which around 1,500 Tg C or around 15–
20% is the result of land use change. The remaining emissions
are from fossil fuel use and cement production (Canadell
et al.
2007). This has led to an average annual rate of increase of CO
concentrations in the atmosphere of 1–2 ppm or up to 2,000 Tg C
for the years 1995–2005 compared with around 1.25 ppm for
the years 1960–1995 (IPCC, 2007b; Houghton, 2007).
Green carbon:
Reducing deforestation rates by 50% by 2050
and then maintaining them at this level until 2100 would avoid
the direct release of up to 50 Gt C this century or approximately
555 Tg C yr
, which is equivalent to 12–15% of the emissions
reductions needed to keep atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide below 450 ppm (Trumper
et al.
, 2009).
Blue carbon:
According to this report, protection, improved man-
agement and restoration of the ocean’s blue carbon sinks would
result in preventing the annual loss of up to 450 Tg C yr
, or equiva-
lent to a corresponding 10% of the reductions needed.
Combined with the green carbon – REDD – the effect would be at
least 20–25% of the emission reductions needed – with huge ben-
efits to food security, water resources, biodiversity – and the cre-
ation of jobs and incomes. But this would require a similar “REDD”
programme for oceans as has been established for rainforests – a
blue carbon fund.
Fact box 8. A 25% emission reduction could be gained from green and blue carbon
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