Biophysical Society - July 2014 Newsletter - page 2

Dorothy Beckett
Edward Egelman
Francisco Bezanilla
Lukas Tamm
Paul Axelsen
Olga Boudker
Taekjip Ha
Samantha Harris
Kalina Hristova
Juliette Lecomte
Amy Lee
Marcia Levitus
Merritt Maduke
Daniel Minor, Jr.
Jeanne Nerbonne
Antoine van Oijen
Joseph D. Puglisi
Michael Pusch
Bonnie Wallace
David Yue
Biophysical Journal
Leslie Loew
Society Office
Ro Kampman
Executive Officer
Alisha Yocum
Laura Phelan
Ellen Weiss
Public Affairs
Biophysical Society Newsletter
(ISSN 0006-3495) is published
twelve times per year, January-
December, by the Biophysical
Society, 11400 Rockville Pike, Suite
800, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Distributed to USA members
and other countries at no cost.
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Postmaster: Send address changes
to Biophysical Society, 11400
Rockville Pike, Suite 800, Rockville,
MD 20852. Copyright © 2014 by
the Biophysical Society. Printed in
the United States of America.
All rights reserved.
Biophysicists in Profile
Jaime Campbell
Patrick McCarter
, and
Lior Vered
, all of the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, currently serve as Teaching Assistants for the
2014 Biophysical Society Summer Research Program in Biophysics, held on
the campus. This 11-week scholarship program introduces undergraduate
minority students, disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities to
the field of biophysics. The program, designed to give students graduate-level
research experience, includes lectures, seminars, lab work, team-building
activities, and field trips.
Though neither of Jaime Campbell’s parents attended college, nor are they
involved in science, their three children have all chosen to pursue scientifi-
cally-oriented careers: Jaime recently earned her PhD in Biochemistry and
Biophysics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, her sister is
a cardiac nurse, and her brother is an environmental scientist.
Jaime first became interested in a career in science when she attended the
Central Virginia Governor’s School for Science & Technology as a high
school student. One of the first classes students take at the school is a re-
search course driven by individual hypotheses, which drew Jaime in imme-
diately. She says, “I was able to design an experiment from start to finish and
ended the year by writing a paper and presenting our work at a competition
at UVA. This was my first experience with developing my own ideas into a
testable hypothesis and I loved it!”
During her sophomore year at James Madi-
son University, Jaime started working in
lab, where she was first exposed to
biophysics. Jaime explains, “Working in her lab
exposed me to many biophysical methods and I
was able to present my work at the Biophysical
Society Annual Meeting in 2007.” Jaime went
on to receive a BS in Biology and Biotechnolo-
gy at JMU before beginning her PhD program
at UNC.
Currently, she is in the process of procuring an academic post doctoral posi-
tion, and simultaneously is working as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the BPS
Summer Research Program for the second year. Jaime found the TA experi-
ence rewarding the first summer, and so, she says, “I didn’t hesitate at the
chance to help out again! I love the interaction with the students and observ-
ing their growth both scientifically and professionally throughout the course.”
I love the interaction with
the students and observing
their growth both scientifically
and professionally throughout
the course
Jaime Campbell
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