Health & Safety Report 2013 - page 21

page 21
3.5 Maitland Report
As reported in the
Health and Safety Report 2012
, the UK Government appointed Professor Geoffrey Maitland to
chair a review of recommendations made in official reports on the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The review panel
had to consider the relevance of those recommendations to the UK offshore oil and gas industry and form a view as
to the extent to which they might informmodification or improvement of the UK regulatory regime.
The resulting
Maitland Report
was published in December 2011.
It was largely favourable towards the
current UK regulatory regime, but the industry was required to respond to a number of recommendations
for improvement within its sphere of control or influence. These recommendations fall into the following
broad categories:
• Well planning and control
• Environmental protection
• Emergency response
• Learning from incidents and best practice
• Competency and training of the workforce
• Workforce engagement
• Liability and insurance issues
• Technology development
The industry response was further consolidated into a UK Government response document which was
published in December 2012.
Ongoing actions to respond to the recommendations and referred to in the
Government report are being managed by various parties, including Oil & Gas UK.
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