Health & Safety Report 2013 - page 36

page 36
8 Publications
Oil & Gas UK leads or supports the development of guidelines and promotes the sharing of best practice and
information. This section summarises the health and safety guidance produced by Oil & Gas UK over the past
Guidance on the Management of Ageing and Life Extension for UKCS Oil and Gas Installations (Issue 1 –
April 2012)
– This document provides high level guidance on the approach to ALE management and sets out
a framework for ALE arrangements within duty holder organisations.
Guidance on the Conduct and Management of Operational Risk Assessment for UKCS Offshore Oil and Gas
Operations (Issue 1 – May 2012)
– This publication provides guidance to duty holders in their management
of degraded safety-critical elements and other abnormal operational conditions.
Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel Survey Guidelines (Issue 6 – April 2013)
– This publication is
produced jointly with the Emergency Response & Rescue Vessel Association (ERRVA) and describes technical
and hardware aspects of ERRV provision. A sub-group of Oil & Gas UK and ERRVA members updated the
guidelines with input from the Maritime & Coastguard Agency and the HSE.
Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel Management Guidelines (Issue 5 – April 2013)
– This document
is also produced as a joint effort by Oil & Gas UK and ERRVA and sets out operational arrangements for
deploying and managing ERRV at offshore installations. The revision was carried out as part of the same
exercise referred to above.
All documents may be downloaded from the Oil & Gas UK website (see footnotes for details).
The document is available as a free download at:
The document is available as a free download at:
The document is available at:
The document is available at:
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