Fall 2015
Your personalized SmartBook will be sent to you two
weeks after you register for the market. View it online or
print it out ahead of time so you can plan your purchases
in advance.
New Plumbing Vendor
The Fall Buying Market will be a great time to see how
Blish-Mize is helping you strengthen categories across the
store, including recent changes to the plumbing category.
Blish-Mize recently sat down with four of the largest
vendors in plumbing repair parts and asked who could
provide you the best value. Larsen stepped up with the
best combination of quality, pricing and product selection.
The market will offer opportunities to review your
category ahead of the winter season.
“Our sales representatives have been busy helping many
of you convert your plumbing lines from our previous
vendor to Larsen,” says Wayne Lueckenhoff, Blish-Mize
vice president of purchasing. “If you have not yet made
the switch to Larsen and would like to see what this
vendor has to offer, talk with your sales representative,
and then stop by this vendor’s booth at the market to see
the entire lineup.”
Makes your house
a home.
See us in
Booth #335
Come visit us at Booth 100 to learn
more about our new decorative
interior sliding door hardware kits.