TPi March 2014 - page 95

7-11 April 2014
Prodim will present TubeCheck and Proliner
at Tube Düsseldorf
The Proliner is a measuring device that
works with a wire of ten metres. Because
of this length it is possible to measure
small and large tubes easily, without
changing the position of the Proliner.
Users are able to measure, check and
edit tubes and pipes on site. On-board
CAD functions make the measurement
immediately ready for production.
To ensure accurate data, Prodim
continuously develops and improves
software in order to meet the changing
requirements of companies in the tube
industry. By combining a measuring
device and software in one machine,
it is not necessary to carry an extra
computer around the factory or
measuring location. A USB or LAN
connection makes it possible to transfer
digital measurements to a CNC tube
The TubeCheck software is developed
for quality control of tubes. In addition
to measuring, tubular data can also
be inspected. A measured tube or
part of a tube can be compared with
the master data using TubeCheck.
By defining the tolerances of the
tangent and intersection points, it is
clear if the product passes or fails the
TubeCheck also makes it possible to
calculate the precise centrelines of
tubes. To measure and check radii
and angles of a particular tube, only
a few sections of the tube have to
be measured, and the results can be
immediately viewed on the Proliner.
When the bend radius is not specified
or when multiple bends with different
radii exist, it is possible to measure the
radii in the same sequence. When the
bend radius is presented on the screen,
the operator has the option to use the
determined radius for all bends.
The measurements have an accuracy
of approximately 0.25mm, resulting
in a perfect calculated digital tube
model. LRA and XYZ data are instantly
available. The end result, including the
measurements, inspection data and
additional project related data, will be
digitally stored in the Proliner and is also
available as a PDF report.
Rattunde & Co GmbH
German sawing and machining
specialist Rattunde & Co GmbH is a
manufacturer of high-performance
production systems. With two of the
latest innovations, users can increase
their productivity: a double head,
+CFMtwin, facilitates double cuts
with subsequent chamfer processing;
and in the ACS
+BDM production
system, a newly developed clamping
mechanism makes it possible to saw
seven tubes simultaneously and then
de-burr them using brushes.
The ACS+CFMtwin can work nearly
twice as fast, as it is equipped with a twin
head, allowing the production system
to carry out two cuts simultaneously,
and then perform chamfering on the
ends of the two tubes. The double cut
and quadruple chamfering in a single
process facilitates high productivity,
with outputs of up to 5,000 units per
hour (at 100 per cent on-time, initial
length 6,500mm. Reference product
dimensions: ø21 x 3.5 x 45mm, E355).
ACS+CFMtwin processes workpieces
with a maximum diameter of 41.5mm;
the highest possible nominal workpiece
length is only reduced from 2,000 to
The second innovation concerns the
bundling and fixation of the workpieces
for cutting. Previously, it was possible
to saw four workpieces simultaneously
and subsequently de-burr them with the
ACS+BDM production system.
The Rattunde engineers have now
succeeded in creating a design with
which seven workpieces can be
simultaneously cut precisely and quickly.
Compared to the previous quadruple
cut, this increases productivity by at
least a factor of 1.5. The new technology
can be used for workpiece diameters
from 10 to 14mm, and master lengths
between 4.5 and 7m. Despite this
increase, multiple length measurement
remains possible without restrictions.
Rofin-Sinar Laser GmbH
Rofin will exhibit its Profile Welding
System (PWS), which consists of a
beam guidance and sensor system with
PC-controlled linear axes, for reliable
laser welding of tubes and profiles.
Sensors for gap position recognition
and seam tracking can detect slight
discrepancies in the seam position. With
high-speed precision linear drives, the
PWS achieves position accuracies of a
few µm at production speeds of up to
Laser welding of tubes and profiles
provides narrow seams with fine-grain
structures and narrow heat affected
zones. This means that the heat
treatment needed for further processing
is often not required. In contrast to
conventional TIG welding, non-contact
laser welding can achieve higher
process speeds. The welded seams
withstand high stress levels without
Rofin will also present a CO
laser from
the DC series for welding of tubes with
1-3mm wall thicknesses.
ACS+CFMtwin – twin head for doubled
machining performance
Photo credit: Rattunde & Co GmbH, Ludwigslust
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