Building Blue Carbon Projects - An Introductory Guide - page 23

Building Blue Carbon Projects
An Introductory Guide
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
- The Ramsar Convention is an intergovernmental treaty that
provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation
and wise use of wetlands and their resources (Ramsar, 2013).Opportunities for Blue Carbon
under the Ramsar Convention could include:
Allowing convention parties to access funding to implement relevant Resolutions for
coastal Blue Carbon conservation through multilateral & bilateral processes (e.g. the
Global  Environment  Facility  (GEF)). Ramsar’s  Small Grant  Programmes  could  also be  an  
opportunity to support pilot projects in the ground (International Blue Carbon
Initiative, 2012); and
Include Blue Carbon to the criteria for identifying wetlands of international Importance.
Further information
on the national and international context of Blue Carbon can be found in the
following and in Sections 1.6 and 7:
Key takeaways:
Blue Carbon can support a wide range of national efforts in the sustainable use, management
and conservation of coastal environments.
Blue Carbon can support international commitments, such as in the fields of climate change
mitigation and biodiversity conservation.
Coastal Blue Carbon as an Incentive for Coastal Conservation, Restoration and Management: A Template for
Understanding Options
(Emmett-Mattox and Crooks 2013)
Guidance for national blue carbon activities: fast-tracking national implementation in developing countries
(International Blue Carbon Initiative, 2012)
Incorporating Blue Carbon as a Mitigation Action under the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change: Technical Issues to Address
(Murray and
, 2012)
Options for Blue Carbon within the International Climate Change Framework
(Grimsditch, 2011)
Opportunities to Use Carbon Services to Advance Coastal Habitat Conservation
(NOAA, 2011)
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