Building Blue Carbon Projects - An Introductory Guide - page 68

Building Blue Carbon Projects
An Introductory Guide
An agreement regarding the use of money generated by the sale of mangrove carbon credits was
negotiated with the Gazi Bay community during the project design process. The community is
represented by the Mikoko Pamoja Community Based Organization. One third of the total annual
carbon income generated through Mikoko Pamoja (approximately U.S. $4,000) will be used for
rehabilitation and protection of mangroves. Figure 11 illustrates the anticipated financial flow
from the external buyers of carbon credits sold on the voluntary carbon market, through to the
different project components.
Through the Mikoko Pamoja experience, it is expected that coastal communities throughout
Kenya and potentially internationally will benefit from mangrove conservation, restoration and
protection supported with revenue from carbon credits. This also includes lessons learned from
Mikoko Pamoja  contributing  to  the  Global  Environment  Facility’s  Blue  Forests  Project,  a  UNEP  
initiative to implement better coastal ecosystem management by harnessing the values associated
with carbon and ecosystem services at a number of demonstration sites throughout the globe.
Figure 11
Negotiated financial flow of Mikoko Pamoja.
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