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Therefore, as in humans, apes likely become infected either by

direct contact with the EBOV reservoir (presumed to include

different bat species)(Leroy

et al.

, 2004; Caillaud

et al.

, 2006),

via the touching of infectious other animals (Caillaud

et al.


2006; Walsh

et al.

, 2007) or via contact with bodily fluids of

an infected cohort (Rouquet

et al.

, 2005; Caillaud

et al.

, 2006;


et al.

, 2007).

Determining total great ape morbidity and mortality due to

EHF is difficult. Great ape population surveys revealed de-

clines in great ape signs ranging from 95–98 % in Minkebé

National Park (Gabon), Lossi Sanctuary and Lokoué Bai (Re-

public of Congo) between 1994 and 2004. Additionally, Walsh

et al.,

2003) compared ape nest counts and concluded that Ga-

bon’s ape population had decreased by almost 50% (Walsh



, 2003) over 2 decades. Considering the density of ape popu-

lations in these regions, and presuming that some epidemics

go unnoticed, it would not be unrealistic to consider that tens

of thousands of great apes may have been lost in recent years.

Based on the calculations, it seems likely, that EBOV is the ma-

jor driver of these losses (Huijbregts

et al.

, 2003; Walsh

et al.


2003; Bermejo

et al.

, 2006; Devos

et al.

, 2008). However, the

diagnostic data available for such calculations are scarce and as-

sumptions are mainly based on the fact that great ape declines

could be spatially or temporally linked with the few confirmed

EBOV outbreaks in wildlife and/or humans (Huijbregts

et al.


2003; Walsh

et al.

, 2003; Bermejo

et al.

, 2006; Wittmann



, 2007; Devos

et al.

, 2008). The World Conservation Union

(IUCN) upgraded the western lowland gorilla (

Gorilla gorilla go-


) to a “critically endangered” status as a result of this alarm-

ing trend (IUCN, 2008), and lists infectious disease as one of

the top threats to the species. Indeed, while it is reasonable to

imagine EBOV is implicated in observed massive great ape de-

clines, it is obvious that baseline data on background mortality

caused by other pathogens are missing.

EBOV has been confirmed in carcasses of only 16 wild great

apes thus far (Wittmann

et al.

, 2007); a small number given the

thousands of animals presumed to have died from EHF. Pro-

ducing solid biological evidence of EBOV as the cause of great

ape population decreases is extremely challenging. Diagnostic

samples are difficult to acquire, due to the vastness and remote-

ness of the regions in question and the rapid decomposition of

carcasses. Samples that are collected from carcasses are often

of poor quality, making analyses prone to false-negative results


et al.

, 2005).

Early detection of wildlife mortality events combined with

rapid sampling and diagnostic testing is key for understand-

ing threats to wildlife and needs to be enforced (Gillespie

et al.


2008; Gillespies and Chapman, 2008). Strengthening wildlife

disease surveillance systems in great ape range states, with the

involvement of local communities, represents an important

step towards obtaining more data. In addition, improving labo-

ratory capacity and employing field diagnostic techniques also

holds promise for identifying causes of mortality. Future EB-

OV-related research should strive to better understand EBOV

natural ecology and geographical distribution. This informa-

tion, combined with knowledge of infection risk factors and

length of immunity for great apes, may shed clues on which

ape populations are most at risk for future infections and be

used to develop timely, safe and ethically reviewed prophylac-

tic strategies and treatments for the mitigation of ape health

threats. For example, vaccination strategies are recommended

to reduce the infection rates of ape populations when consid-

ered critical for their survival. Several EBOV vaccines have been

developed for human use but identifying the ideal candidates

for wild great apes is challenging. Highly effective oral vaccines

may pose dangers for non-target species and injectable vaccines

pose major logistical challenges when considering the need to

dart vast numbers of elusive great apes. We must ensure that

the initiative is applied in a safe way consistent with the goals

and principles conservation.

Great ape health research must take a broad epidemiological

approach. Recent health studies have identified other patho-

gens as threats to the health of increasingly vulnerable great

ape populations (Leendertz

et al.

, 2006; Köndgen

et al.,


reminding us to be careful to avoid missing die offs due to a

“new” pathogen while we are hot on the trail of the one we

know best. The future of great ape health must be proactive

rather than reactive.