Contractor’s Report
to CalRecycle
Section 1
Under the California Tire Recycling Act of 1989 and subsequent amendments, the Department of
Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has adopted an overall tire management
strategy focusing on two interrelated fronts: 1) providing a strong and fair regulatory framework
to protect public health and safety and the environment while not stifling waste tire flow and
processing; and 2) supporting expansion of the business and government market infrastructure for
producing and using tire-derived products.
CalRecycle’s Five-Year Plan for the Waste Tire Recycling Management Program, which is
required to be revised every two years, guides efforts to reach a 90 percent diversion goal by
2015. The latest version of the Five-Year Plan was approved by CalRecycle in March 2013 and is
currently awaiting formal approval by Cal/EPA.
This report supports CalRecycle’s efforts by providing information on the waste tire diversion
rate, market trends, and supply/demand balance in 2012 based on research conducted from
January 2013 through April 2013. The report was prepared under CalRecycle contract by SAIC
Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC (formerly R.W. Beck, Inc.), with primary research
assistance by D.K. Enterprises.
Following this introduction, Section 2 provides a snapshot of diversion and markets for California
waste tires, essentially a summary of key study findings. Section 3 describes market trends by
category. Finally, Section 4 analyzes the outlook for increased diversion, including opportunities
and barriers.
Interpreting and Using Report Findings
Appendix A provides a detailed summary of the study methodology, data limitations, and
adjustments in approach over time. Following are a few key points to consider when interpreting
and using data presented in this report:
Significant Uncertainty but Reasonable Trend Information:
As described in Appendix A,
there are several limitations in the data associated with the estimated market flows. For most
market segments the estimates are thought to be accurate to about +/- 10 percent and can
reasonably be used to evaluate trends over time. In this year’s report, the level of uncertainty
associated with waste tire exports is particularly high because of the rapid rise in flow to
exporters and abrupt shift in practices late in 2012. However, we still believe the results are
within the +/- 10 percent range.
Many Sources Combined and Cross-Checked:
The estimates are generally derived from
primary data and information gathered from processors, baler/exporters, landfills, tire-derived
fuel users, retreaders, CalRecycle’s Waste Tire Manifest System and Disposal Reporting System,
CalRecycle staff, and other stakeholders. Data from these sources is combined and analyzed to
remove double-counting, and cross-checked to derive the most accurate estimates possible given
the information available.