TheCaliforniaTire-DerivedProductCatalog isdesigned
to raiseawareness about the large rangeof products
made from recycled tires and their benefits. Thecatalog is
intended toassist anyonewithan interest inpurchasingand
usinghigh-quality tire-derivedproducts. Thismay include,
for example:
• Architects, owners andcontractorsworkingongreen
• School, playgroundor parkmanagers looking for safe
andproven surfacingand landscapingproducts; and
• Facilitymanagersor individuals looking for innovative
recycled-content products tomeet a varietyof needs.
TheCatalogwaspreparedby theCaliforniaDepartment
of ResourcesRecyclingandRecovery (CalRecycle) aspart
of abroader tire recyclingmarket development program
aimedat expandinganddiversifyingmarkets for discarded
tiresgenerated inCalifornia. Strong recyclingmarketshelp
ensure that the state’swaste tiremanagement infrastructure
thrives, therebymaximizing recycling industryemployment
through value-addedmanufacturing, keeping tiresout
of landfills andhelping toachieveCalifornia’s 75percent
recyclinggoal. In201292percent of thediscarded tires in
Californiawerediverted from the landfill, and theoverall
Statediversion rate for all wastematerialswas about
InformationSources andMethodology
Onepurposeof theCatalog is to support themarketing
activitiesofCaliforniafirms involved in recycling tires.
Consequently, theprimary sourceof informationand
content for thecatalog is thecompanies themselves, and
theproduct “sell sheets” included in thecatalogwere
gathereddirectly from thesefirms.CalRecycleattempted
to include information fromall knownCalifornia-based
firmsproducingproductsmade fromCaliforniawaste tires.
While there isnocharge for acompanyand their products
tobe included in theCatalog,CalRecycle seeks toensure
all products listedaremade from recycled tiresgenerated
inCalifornia. Tobe included, firmsmust alsohavean
operatingpresence inCaliforniaand satisfyother criteriaas
listed inAppendixA.CalRecycledidnot validatecompany
marketingclaims, andmakesnoguarantees regarding
product qualityor performance.
ForMore Information
TheCaliforniaTire-DerivedProductCatalog is a living
document.CalRecyclewill periodicallymakeedits and
revisions topresent thebest andmost comprehensive
informationon thegrowing rangeof productsmadeby
California licensed tire-derivedmanufacturers and tire-
derivedmaterial suppliers.QualifiedCaliforniafirmswithan
interest inbeing included in thecatalogorwithcomments
and suggestions shouldcontact JenniferCaldwell of
Formore informationonCalRecycle’sWasteTire
Management Programand the state’s tire recycling industry,
CalRecyclewould like to thankall of thefirms, individuals
andorganizations that contributed informationand/or
supported thiseffort bydonating their timeand resources.