Annual Report FY 2014 - page 5

This past year has been the most challenging in memory considering the
state budget cuts, implementation of the most sweeping public education
reform package in history, continued public attacks on public education, passage of a pension
reform bill that, if upheld, would slash retirement benefits for teachers and school
administrators – all while increasing public demand for schools to produce more with dwindling
Even against those odds, the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) has
continued to live up to the vision of “Maximum Educational Success for All Students.”
Regardless of the obstacles we face, the IASA remains a strong, vibrant association of
dedicated educational leaders who are committed to providing the best possible educational
opportunities for the children of Illinois. That’s why we chose this profession.
This Annual Report is a brief summary of the IASA’s joint efforts to improve public education,
including launching Vision 20/20, our most ambitious initiative, to establish a road map for the
future of public education in our state. We have battled on various fronts this past year
regarding the budget cuts, unfunded mandates and pension reform – a battle we are
continuing to fight through a lawsuit challenging the law as unconstitutional.
I respectfully submit this Annual Report to the IASA membership with my recommendation for
Yours for better schools,
Brent Clark, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Illinois Association of School Administrators
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