Leadership Matters August 2013 issue.pub - page 11

IASA’s Vision 20/20
initiative is entering a new
phase by conducting a
survey of Illinois school
superintendents and other
school leaders regarding
their thoughts about public
education and specifically
about areas on which the
Vision 20/20 committees
are focused.
“It’s really important to tap into the expertise and
insights of the real education leaders, the people on
the front lines throughout the state,” said IASA
Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark. “I encourage all
school superintendents to take a few minutes to offer
their thoughts regarding what public education ought
to look like. The information gleaned from this survey
will help guide the work of the Vision 20/20
committees, and your voice could have a lasting
impact on the future of public education in Illinois.”
Following the conclusion of the school
administrators survey, a survey invitation will be sent
to the broader community. The survey of the general
public is scheduled begin on August 19 and run
through September 15. IASA members will be asked
to disseminate the survey link to their community by
using their school district communications lists and
“The data from both surveys will be extremely
important to the work of the Vision 20/20
committees,” said Dr. John Gatta, president and chief
operating officer of ECRA Group, Inc., a Rosemont-
based national research, leadership and strategic
planning firm whose role will be to manage, facilitate
and document the project. “The institutional
knowledge and expertise of superintendents
throughout the state can be a powerful tool in the
development of this strategic plan for the
transformation of public education in Illinois.”
Vision 20/20 initiative seeks input from Illinois superintendents
Survey of school leaders ends August 16; to be followed by community survey
school year is a positive experience for all of your
students and their families."
Meet with your administrative cadre to discuss
the “Back to School” agenda and provide an
opportunity for engaged conversation regarding the
new school year. Encourage each administrator to
embrace the “Back to School” holiday/event
Meet with your facility management team and
schedule a facility walk-through for each site to
inspect all facility maintenance and construction
projects and to inspect the condition of each
building to determine readiness for the opening day
of school.
Establish a formal meeting with all new staff
members. Use this time to provide your own
personal welcome to the school district. Make sure
they walk away with a strong sense of “meaningful
Provide a “Back to School” theme for the school
district’s board of education meeting.
The start of a new school year is an important
time for the educational community. It is a time to
instill an excitement about learning and a time for
communicating to all individuals the mission and
vision for your school district. It is also an
opportunity to bring a renewed awareness of the
importance of the public school system.
Successful school superintendents tend to
approach “Back to School” as a holiday event that
provides opportunities for reflection, renewal and
stimulation to promote new energy for the purpose
of focusing on establishing a quality educational
opportunity for all students.
Best wishes for a great “Back to School”
coupled with another excellent school year!
(Continued from page 10)
Back to school tips ————————————————————
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