119 Russell Street, Suite 21 • Littleton, MA. 01460 (978) 486-3690 • Fax: 486-3693
Relative to the growth of microorganisms on cat urine (which is much stronger and concentrated than dog
urine), the graph below shows the ability of the proprietary microbial complex found in OdorPet® (Freshen
Plus) to grow on cat urine. This growth study was completed using a kinetic plate reader and 96 well BDOBS
(Becton Dickinson Oxygen Biosensor System)
plates. BDOBS plates have a hydrophobic gel with a
fluorescent dye that is quenched in the presence of oxygen. As oxygen is utilized during microbial growth
(which happens when the microbial population feeds on its substrate) the dye fluoresces and is an indication
of growth on the substrate being tested. The graph flat‐lines at the top indicating the maximum
fluorescence obtainable. Clearly there is a short lag time, followed by rapid growth and then a plateau (max
fluorescence) as the substrate is being consumed.
The basic byproducts of bacterial aerobic respiration (growth in the presence of oxygen) are carbon dioxide
and water along with biomass. This is well known to microbiologists and can be found in microbiological
textbooks and literature therefore it is not something we would test for in the lab. In addition this type of
technology is widely employed throughout waste management facilities around the world in onsite
bioreactors and is commonly recognized and employed as an essential step in waste degradation.
This simple study demonstrates efficacy of OdorPet’s biological activity on cat urine, which is only one of a
number of waste product substrates the proprietary microbial complex utilized in OdorPet is effective upon.
© Alpha Tech Pet, Inc. 2012