Leadership Matters - October 2013 - page 25

Getting to know your IASA Board Members
Name Dr. Jonathan Heerboth
Western Region
School district:
West Prairie Community Unit
School District 103
One thing you would like people to know about
your school district:
West Prairie schools have
received twelve Illinois Honor Roll awards since
2007. Our one-to-one technology program is now
in place in grades five through twelve.
Years on IASA Board:
Years as educator:
Colleges or Universities:
Concordia Senior
College, Southern Illinois University at
Edwardsville, Saint Louis University
Married to Chris for forty-one years. Two
married sons, one in Erie, Pennsylvania, and the
other in San Jose, California. No grandkids.
Favorite hobby:
Playing my trumpet
Favorite movie:
Hah! I won’t say. I have seen it
at least 25 times, though.
Favorite book:
Round the
, by Nevil Shute
Favorite musical artist:
Miles Davis
One thing people probably
would be surprised to know
about you:
I have an Illinois
teaching certificate for aircraft
Biggest concern about public education:
are selling the future of education to private
contractors and large education corporations that
care more about marketing than best practices.
Changes are coming from interest group lobbying
rather than from research developed within the
Most encouraging thing about public
Our schools focus on the educational
needs of the individual child. We believe that every
kid has the opportunity to do his or her best in our
schools and do our part to make that happen.
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