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ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 Public consultation questionnaire


ENTSOG introduced a number of new elements in

TYNDP 2017. Please indicate which 3 you find the most


Indication how TYNDP scenarios comply with the

EU energy and climate targets


Further consideration of ENTSO-E TYNDP

scenario information


Advanced project status


Do some TYNDP elements require better explanation? Which ones?

At least CSSD and SSPDi indicators are completely biased by considering LNG as a single source. Just adding a

separate explanation in the report is not sufficient.

Prices chronicles used to compute indicators are not presented. They should be disclosed and the related limitations

(absence of differentiated upstream suppliers pricing strategies, lack of transportation costs...) should be much more

clearly explained.


Is there additional information you would like to find in TYNDP?

Cf. previous question

Q17: TYNDP is made up of the Main Report and

Annexes. The Main Report is an in-depth document.

Once final, it may or not be published as a printed

version. Annexes are made available only in electronic

format. Would you appreciate to have the TYNDP Main

Report available only in electronic version?


Which are the TYNDP elements you consider the

Main Report should focus on?

Respondent skipped this


Assessment chapter,

Please specify your indications below, and indicate

if there are elements of the selected chapter(s) that

you consider could be left out of the Main Report:

All parts related to markets and prices should be left

out of the report.

PAGE 7: Demand


Would you like to provide input to the Demand



PAGE 8: Demand