NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Thanks to Diane for 9 years of service to the club. Thanks also to Greg Brigman for taking over
publications this year. He did a wonderful job with the Beacon. Thanks to Kim for stepping up
to fill the void on the board this year. Thanks to PC Tom McHugh for 7 years commitment to
North Channel. You did a great job as the ABYA delegate this year and I look forward to filling
your shoes next year. Thanks Tom for your mentorship and guidance this past year.
Vice-Commodore’s Comments
Vice Commodore, John Anderson
How can I follow up on that? Thanks Commodore Don for an excellent year, you have steered
our ship in the right direction. We have made money, and good friends and family memories. I
will miss the people that are leaving the board and look forward to working with the new board
members. I am looking forward to next year. Merry Christmas to everyone!
Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Rear Commodore, Brian McEvoy
I just wanted to say that I have enjoyed this year very much. I am looking forward to next year
and the year after. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!
Financial Report
Treasurer, Chuck Stroh
A short financial report was read by Chuck Stroh.
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to accept the financial report. Seconded by Pat Carroll
Motion Carried.
ABYA Report
P/C Tom McHugh
On behalf of the ABYA, Season's Greetings!
Jay Gronbach sent a letter requesting that his status be changed from Junior Member to Non-
Boating Member
. Motion:
Moved by RC Brian McEvoy to change Jay Gronbach from Junior
Member to Non-Boating status. Seconded by Pat Carroll.
Motion Carried.
Tony Santavy sent a letter requesting that he be excused from his work hours due to age and
medical problems.
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to excuse Tony Santavy from his work
hours. Seconded by Don Reiss.
Motion Carried.
A letter was received from Greg Murray requesting a change in status from Boating to Non-
Moved by Bob Carnaghi to change Greg Murray from Boating to Non-Boating
status. Seconded by Chuck Stroh.
Motion Carried.