TPT November 2014 - page 105

THE Machines Yvonand SA
In addition, the following line production data
is captured and transmitted automatically to
the QC system:
Dripper nominal spacing deviation
Correct positioning of water outlet opening
Deviation of dripper quantity per defined
length and/or spool
These values together with standard production
process data are monitored through a PMS
(production management system).
In detail the production data secured is
processed as follows.
Data captured from the laser marking
equipment for each spool, coil or reel produced
is transferred along with the corresponding matching PMS
production data and can be transmitted to a barcode printer.
After the reel or coil change over on the winding equipment
a barcode label is printed and can be attached or adhered
to the finished wound spool, coil or reel. This specific unique
barcode will contain data as to whether the spool has been
wound without any defect or whether defects or faults
were logged and recorded during the winding process. The
individual spool weight, along with order and lot number, is
transmitted automatically to the quality control equipment
DFC. A representative sample is taken from the individual
spool to determine the physical properties which are also
recorded within the QC equipment DFC.
Spools are transferred via conveyor belts to the downstream
packaging and overwrapping equipment. During this product
transfer the spools pass a quality quarantine zone where faulty
or non-conformance spools can be identified, segregated and
withdrawn from the finishing process.
In the quality control system the following data is measured
and captured, whereby the overall quality management
system should determine in which frequency and interval
these control checks and measurements are carried out:
Measurement of nominal flow rate at normal pressure
(Figure 3). Here, a relatively short test cycle is involved which
is typically sufficient for NPC (no-pressure compensated)
and labyrinth tape emitter type products. With this ‘rapid-
test’ the overall process stability can be monitored.
Flow at variable pressure, mainly for PC drippers (pressure
compensated), nevertheless this can of course also be
used for regular NPC and labyrinth emitter tape type
drippers. Here, longer cycle times are involved during
which the CV (co-efficient variation) value is determined.
The results are depicted in Figure 4.
Burst strength of the tube, to determine the shelf life of the
product, the weld adherence of the dripper to the inner wall
surface and to determine and identify potential weak spots
in the tube, tape or pipe.
Mechanical and hydraulic values are displayed in the form of
graphs by the system.
The above-described process flow depicts how with relatively
simple methods the overall line efficiency can be improved,
along with the overall product quality and consistency in
quality, thus enabling and leading to a production process
capability of ‘just in time’ production. In addition it enables
the end-user to trace, monitor and track over many years the
performance capabilities of the product.
Figure 5: Product data measured and recorded
Figure 6: Measure and test protocols
THE Machines Yvonand SA
– Switzerland
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