WIRELINE AUTUMN 2014 ISSUE 29 - page 35

- I S S U E 2 9 A U T U M N 2 0 1 4
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veryone at Sparrows has
their own individual
plan,” notes Dave
Cockburn, engineering
development and compliance
director at Sparrows Group – the
engineered oilfield products and
services provider. “This plan goes
hand-in-glove with a formal and
accredited framework of continuing
professional development (CPD).”
Dave is part of a team that provides CPD
support to over 2,100 employees, the
majority of whom are based in Aberdeen.
This work has been crucial to ensuring
Sparrows maintains a skilled workforce
that can meet the demand for the
business’ services and, in turn, enable
sustainable growth; Sparrows reports
a 12 per cent increase in sales last year
creating 100 new jobs.
Each staff member has access to a range
of employee development schemes
including an engineering development
programme, support to gain chartered
Crafting a career
Tackling the industry’s skills demand is not just about maintaining a steady flow of
new recruits. Ensuring employees are inspired, motivated and engaged throughout
their careers is also critical.
speaks to some of Oil & Gas UK’s many
member companies that are putting continuing professional development
at the heart of their business.
Seventy-seven per cent of AMEC’s employees report that
“opportunity” is the primary reason for choosing to work
at the company. The company’s focus on continuing
professional development was recognised when it scooped
the 2013 Oil & Gas UK Award for People Development
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