wiredinUSA December 2011 - page 3

Theft of copper and cable is, of course,
nothing new.
But it has only been during the last recession
that this and thefts of other valuable metals
has been in the public eye quite so much.
Lead stolen from church roofs has been
severe throughout the UK, as has cables
being taken from railway lines, much to
the risk of the thief and causing problems
to commuters.
This has led to a number of initiatives by the
relevant authorities and in this issue we report
on the efforts to introduce a new Bill where
people selling high value metals will have
their information shared with police.
This, alongwithanyothermethodof clamping
down on theft, should be applauded and is
the first of its kind in Canada.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes
before this catches on in other countries.
It would be wrong of me not to take
this opportunity on behalf of everyone
at wiredInUSA of thanking you all for your
support during our first six months, and
to wish you and your families a healthy
and Happy Christmas and a prosperous
New Year.
David Bell
wiredInUSA - December 2011
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