wiredinUSA December 2011 - page 33

wiredInUSA - De
cember 2011
Roanoke, Virginia was chosen
for the successful debut of
New Energy Technologies’
Express system,
believed to be the world’s first
rumble strip to be capable
of generating sustainable
electricity. The Roanoke Civic
Center was the first of several
test and demonstration events
planned by the company.
“The City of Roanoke takes
seriously its responsibility to
be good stewards of the
environment and is always
looking for unique ways to
meet our mission of increased
sustainability,” said Ken Cronin,
director of general services/
“We are proud to be the first
city in the nation to test this
novel technology with the
potential to make the way we
produce energy more clean
and green.”
Over 580 vehicles participated
in the six-hour demonstration
event. As vehicles slow down
or stop, the tires depress
small rumble strip-like treadles,
allowing for the capture of
kinetic energy. This captured
energy is converted to
Engineering estimates show
an optimized and installed
MotionPower system, expe-
riencing a traffic pattern similar
to the 6-hour event, could
produce enough sustainable
electricity to power lights for
the average American home,
or power a 150ft
venue electronic billboard
or marquee, for an entire day.
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