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Page Background

Expected Gas Sourcing

Caspian Region, Norway, Russia, LNG (TR), Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Israel, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Any gas available at Turkish/European HUBs. For dire


Main Driver


Main Driver Explanation

The project brings significant benefits to the SoS of Europe bringing the increasing new sources of gas supply in South Eastern Europe to the markets of

Central and Western Europe, while further enhancing the market integration of the affected countries.

Benefit Description

- Physical alternative for providing 100% of all Balkan countries' consumption; - Providing security of supply for 100% of all Balkan countries' consumption;

- Additional utilization for CZ, SK, PL, UA, RO, BG transit and storage assets; - Providing Western shippers with possibility to supply Balkan countries and

even Turkey from NCG/Gaspool/Baumgarten; - Corridor ready for future gas imports to Europe from alternative sources – AGRI, TANAP, Caspian, Iran, Iraq,

Egypt, Israel, Cyprus. Most of them from perspective Turkish natural gas hub/border Turkey/BG;

General Criteria Fulfilled


Specific Criteria Fulfilled

Competition, Market Integration, Security of Supply, Sustainability

Specific Criteria Fulfilled Comments

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Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |