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Main Driver

Regulation SoS

Main Driver Explanation

Benefit Description

Security of Supply and Market Integration (Increase of competition); The Italian Storage system is a market characterized by two operators (Stogit Spa 97%

and Edison Stoccaggio Spa 3% o f the market share). The project will enhance the level of competition and security of supply at national level. It's synergic

to develop Italian system as a gas hub and to improve Europe security of supply. Palazzo Moroni has an optimal working gas/withdrawal capacity ratio

which is in line with the Italian energy strategy.


Barrier Type



Authority has set a new regulatory framework for 2015-2018, which was really different from the previous. In 2018 the Authority will set the new

framework for 2019-2022.

Permit Granting

Delays with local permitting. The project has already achieved important autorization such as EIA and Seveso.

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Page 374 of 620

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |