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Page Background

Expected Gas Sourcing

Algeria, In the longer term, with the realisation of ambitious projects aiming to interconnect new African gas reserves to European ma

Comments about the Third-Party Access Regime

On 29th October 2010, the project has received from the competent Italian Authority (Ministry of the Economic Development) by decree a Priority Allocation right (Allocazione

Prioritaria) of the entry capacity at the Porto Botte Entry Point, for 100% of the capacity and for a periofd of 25 years.


Main Driver

Market Demand

Main Driver Explanation

The project has been developed from its start on the basis of the prospected timing of European gas demand growth.

Time Schedule

Grant Obtention Date


Delay Since Last TYNDP

12 months

Delay Explanation

Delay mainly due to delays in the authorisation process in Italy and Algeria.

PCI Details

PCI Benefits

Project changes the capability to transmit gas across the borders of the member states concerned by at least 10%, compared to the situation

prior to the commissioning of the project, Project concerns investment in reverse flow capacity, Project aims at supplying directly or indirectly

at least two Member States

General Criteria Fulfilled


Specific Criteria Fulfilled

Competition, Market Integration, Security of Supply, Sustainability

Specific Criteria Fulfilled Comments

The project will contribute to the creation of an Italian Gas Hub, by opening a more efficient route to reach the barycentre of Italian gas

demand and further on the Central EU market. It will give a significant contribution to security of supply and competition for Italy and Europe.

It represents a unique opportunity of a clean and sustainable energy source for Sardinia (and possibly for Corsica).

GALSI Italian Section 2 sealine Sardinia - Tuscany

This section includes a 285 km sealine from Olbia (Sardinia) -

where it will be realized a 2x26 MW compression station - to

Piombino (Tuscany) and 3 km onshore pipeline in Tuscany up

to the interconnection with existing Snam gas newtwork.







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Page 358 of 620

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |