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Vol 59No. 2, 2014
over 750 likes, rising from618 likeson
18November (whenwe last reported).
photoof the IPAHouse ‘Krätzersrasen’, in
Thüringen, Germany, postedon28 January
reached1,400people. A listingof the12
international sportingevents, takingplace
through2014, reached729people. The third
most popular postingwas regarding theFree
membershipoffer, postedon9 January, with
655people seeing thepost.
SectionUK’swebsitenow includes aYou Tube
Video Librarywhich is growing. See:
There’s anexcellent recruitment video
preparedbyBrianKennedy, PublicityOfficer
for Region2, Northern Ireland. It’s available
for you to shareand ideal for promoting the
Trip of a Lifetime
In2013, LanceCorporal BryanPhillips, from
1stBattalion IrishGuards, startedout ona trip
of a lifetimeaspillion riderwithRonKirkland,
from ThamesValley branch, on theworld famous
Route66 inAmerica.
Bryan lost bothhis legs
whenhe stoodonan IED in2012.
This tripwas oneofmany organisedby the charity
‘Bike Tours For TheWounded’. Ron foundout that
the charitywere seekingexperienced riders to go
toAmerica so immediately signedup to goand
agreed to raise thenecessary£5000 through
sponsorship to takeBryan.
Ron said,
“The tripbegan inSanDeigowherewe
weregreetedby11gleamingmotorcycles - our
transport for thenext 10days. ThegrinonBryan’s
facewas adelight to seeand I could tell hewas
excitedabout the journey aheadof him.”
Someof thehighlights of the trip saw thepair visit:
theGeneral PattonMuseum, theArizonadesert,
breathtaking snow coveredmountain ranges, the
PetrifiedForrest National Park, the ‘WigwamHotel’
- whichwasmadeupof 25double roomwigwams,
theworld famousMeteor Crater and theGrand
“InWinslow inArizona thePolice
closedoff thewhole town toallowus toall get our
motorbikes onto theworld famous ‘Crossroads at
Winslow’ for aphotoshoot.With the tune ‘Well I’m
standingon the crossroads atWinslowArizona’
playing in thebackground, weall linedupnext
toour bikes all the locals cameout to see the
Onday8, thepair rodeon theoldoriginal Route66
for the final day’s ridewhere they cameupon the
original ‘Route66Museum’ beforeheading to the
TheSantaMonicaPier, whichheralded theendof
a longweekon thebikes andmanymiles.
Ron summedup the trip in saying,
thiswas the tripof a lifetime thatmany people
canonly dreamabout, but I didn’t do it formeor
mymates, I did it for Byran, who so rightly deserved
it.Would I do it all again?Youbet I would, I have
already bookedon theOctober Trip in2014 to take
another Heroona ‘TripOf aLifetime’.”
BranchChair, DavidMarchant, took the
opportunity, at the ThamesValley branch
AGM, toawardmembershipcertificates to
Ernie Lee, DickAllenandPeter Cook received
a50 year certifcateandDerekO’Nions, Eric
Thornton, NickGriffiths and JimWoodeach
receiveda40 year certificate.
, ThamesValley branch
Followingon fromother successful IPA
battlefield toursDyfed-Powysbranchdecided
to re-visit theNormandy beaches in late2013.
Twenty threemembers, family and friends arrived
inFrance for aD-Day tour.
The tour startedat PegasusBridgeandmuseum
andour guide for thedaywasEdwardRobinson.
We thenheadeddown the coast stoppingat the
famousbeaches: Gold, Juno, andSword.
After a swift lunch inArromanche, homeof the
remains of themulberry harbours, we continued
ontoOmahbeachand thenon toPointeduhoc.
Edwardwas a very knowledgeable guideaidedby
oldpictures of the variousbattlementswe visited
toassist his entertaining storytelling. His tales
kept us amused, informedand reflective.
Backat our hotel inCaenweweremet by our
French IPA friends, DominiqueAvenel Vice-
President of theNormandyBranch, his colleague
Claudeandhiswife.Weexchanged giftsbefore
headingout together for theevening.
Thenext day gaveus free time to further explore
Caen, its local streetmarket and castle.
Robert Griffiths, Dyfed-PowysBranchSecretary,
“Thiswas another successful tour by the
branchwith special thanks tobranchmember
MarkDoran for organising the trip. Thenext
question iswhere togonext year...”
Members fromDyfed-Powys