Vol 59No. 2, 2014
In2013, SouthWalesbranchorganisedabranch trip to the
Christmasmarketsof CologneandBonn - KenDavies takesup the story.
ith5markets to choose from in
Cologne, and stunningarchitecture
and culture toexperience, we
realisedwewere going tobe spoilt for choice
when it came to fill our time inGermany.
WewerewelcomedbyGunter Rummel, from
Colognebranch, andWinni Boehlefeld, fromBonn
The followingday, Guntermet us inCologneand
actedas anextremely knowledgeable guide
of the tourist areas of this great city. Heoften
provided commentary fromon topof a concrete
bollard - likeany great tour guidewould. Gunter
alsoexplained that owing to the frequent visits
from IPAmembers fromaround theworld, a
number of the local branchmembershave set
themselvesupas a teamof guides toassist in
providing tours of the city.
Our tour includedan insight into the foundations
and constructionof the cathedral andan
adjacent Romanmansion that wasbuilt over
2,000 years ago. Gunter’s knowledgeof Cologne
was amazingand it was apleasure to listen
We thenhit themarkets of Cologne. Anumber
of our party had visited the city onprevious
occasions sowebrokeup into two groups to take
in the sights.
Thoseof uswho remainedwithGunter had
a fantastic fewhours of walkingand talking,
followedby lunch inabeer keller that served
traditional German food.Whilst there, we
presentedGunter witha few IPA gifts. Youwould
have thought wehad givenhima fortune! Little
didheknow that the timeand friendshiphehad
givenuswasmuchmore valuable.
On theway toanothermarket, we saw the Jewish
medieval areaand the remains of their housing
whichwasbeing turned
Wealso saw the
ancient Roman
sewer systemand
learned that during
War it wasusedas a
shelter as it was so
A full day in the
Markets is an
extremely tiring
ventureand it was
group that finally and
reluctantly returned to thehotel inBruhl. Saying
goodbye toGunter was like saying goodbye toan
old friendbut that iswhatmakes the IPA so great
isn’t it?
The townof Bruhl is small but contains everything
youwouldwant for anenjoyableevening’s
entertainment –but without thenoiseand
crowds! Various groups sniffedout bars and food
amongst theback streets - as only exCID cando.
Others found yet anothermarket that was just up
the street.
Next dayWinni was our host and guide in
Bonn, after hehad finishedhisduty. Like
Gunter, heprovidedanexcellent potted
history of the city together withan interesting
walking tour of themainareas.
Duringa short breakat a fantastic coffee
shopwemadea small presentation
In theeveninganumber of us arranged to
meet inBruhl wherewewerepleasantly
surprised to seeGunter andhiswife
waiting for us!Wehada fantastic evening.
It was as if wehadall been friends for
many years. In fact, during the course
of theevening, wewereall invited toa
festival that isbeingheld inCologne -
aswell as FriendshipWeek in
September 2014.
Oneof themain things that hit us all
whilst wewereaway, andmadeus proud
that wearemembers of the IPA, is in
our experienceacross theworld the
members reallymake it work for each
other. It shows in the time they freely
give youand in thewarmthof their hospitality.
, Chair SouthWalesbranch
Oneof Santa’s helpers
KenDavies presentsWinni
Boehlefeldwithan IPApennant
KenDavies presentsGunter Rummel
withan IPApennant