APRIL 2014 BEACON - page 9

During the last month, “Larry Larry”Gierlowski suffereda stroke.
Hedidhave someweaknessof his left armand leg. We certainly
hope that with rehabhis recoverywill be complete. LovelyAdrienne
didnot let us know, but wediddiscover that she is alsogoing
through rehab for knee surgery that shehad in January. OK, you
two, get healedbeforeFittingOut!!!
TheCarnaghi family lost Bob’smother onMarch 23
after a long
illness. Shewas inhospice for a fewweeks. Mrs. Carnaghi passed
peacefullywithher family at her side.
Theremay beotherswhohave lost lovedonesor whoareailingandweareunaware. Pleasebe
sure to let us know so that the information canbepassedon to theNCYC family. Wewould like
tohave confirmation from those involved that a “fanout” is desired.
Please remember our friends and their families in your thoughtsandprayers. Cardsor phone
calls from their friendsat NCYCare certainlywelcome.
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