Ulster Rugby vs Zebre - page 15

I wonder where that shirt with Nevin’s signature
has ended up? What I do know is that now,
every time an Ulster shirt is pulled before a
match Nevin’s ‘signature’ is there.
It might not be in bold black ink but it is
entwined in the fabric of the shirt this team
and this organisation. He is always with us.
Some people will tell us, “There’s no future living in
the past!”
Why, then, do we have this tendency as human
beings to always want to cast our gaze back
to bygone times? From simple birthdays and
anniversaries, to the recollection of former sporting
glories, to the commemoration of historically
significant events, as families and a society we
clearly recognise the importance of remembering
the past.
In Bible times, God consistently encouraged
people to look back and remember. Through
communion and the familiar landmarks in the
calendar like Christmas and Easter, our churches
recall and celebrate events that took place
hundreds, even thousands of years ago.
It is important to look back and remember,
because past events can teach us so much that it
relevant to our present and our future. In terms of
faith, it is by recalling how God has demonstrated
His goodness and power in the past that we are
inspired and equipped to serve Him in the present
and assured to know that He is looking after the
Those associated with Ulster Rugby feel that it is
important to look back this weekend and reflect
on the tragic death of Nevin Spence, alongside
his father, Noel and brother, Graham, two years
ago. We remember them because, in so doing,
we celebrate and keep alive the things that were
important to them including commitment, loyalty,
discipline, family and faith. Our prayer is that Nevin
Spence’s example continues to shine and serves
as an inspiration, especially to the young people
of our Province who will visit the centre that bears
his name.
We also remember, most importantly, because we
know that, for the members of the Spence family,
their circle of friends and Nevin’s teammates, their
loss is still raw and painful – it is important that they
continue to know that we love and support them
and that God will never forget or leave their side.
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