TPi January 2014 - page 54

The OCTG industry entered the
Century after a decade of streamlining.
Consolidation had taken place in the manufacturing
segment. Market-driven forces, favouring only the most productive
mills, had brought about an accommodation with imports and better
distribution networks. The oil and gas operators, having lost many independents,
emerged stronger. Natural gas drilling was a priority of a newly efficient and
responsive enterprise.
Since the turn of the millennium, the fortunes of the OCTG industry have fluctuated.
At the same time, the products of the oil patch – casing, tubing, drill pipe, line pipe,
connectors – have undergone the steady development required of wares designed for
heavy work in punishing environments. All this must be accomplished by means of cost-
effective, ecologically sound methods that justify huge expenditure and Herculean effort.
Pipe inspection services from OMS
& pipel ine products
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