SpeakOut_October2014_eCopy - page 23

Speak Out
October 2014
Speech pathologists
from Tasmanian Health
Organisation – South
celebrated Speech Pathology
Week 2014 with great gusto.
Displays were organised at
Clarence Integrated Care
Centre and the Community
Rehabilitation Unit, and in
keeping with the theme of
Nation for Communication
we communicated loudly and
joyously with each other over
a special lunch (pictured).
In a perhaps unprecedented
re-interpretation of the theme,
we limited ourselves to food
items beginning with ‘N’ or ‘C’.
Luckily, this enabled us to
consume chocolate!
Gudrun Barratt-Peacock
Speech Pathologist, Tasmanian
Health Organisation-South
Tassie SPs get into the spirit of SPWeek 2014!
S p e e c h P a t h o l o g y
opening the world of communication
Social Thinking
Essential resources for working with individuals with social challenges.
Make your programs more effective and meaningful with books, posters
& resources to teach abstract skills in a concrete way.
teaching the
Michelle Garcia Winner, SLP, coined the term Social Thinking® and developed the related treatment
approach for individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, high-functioning autism and difficulties with social skills
“Social thinking is what we do when we interact with other people; we think about them. And how we think
about people affects how we behave, which in turn affects how others respond to us, which in turn affects
our own emotions.”
behind being social
Available at
1...,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 24,25,26,27,28
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