8 Speak Out
October 2014
Speech Pathology Australia
association news
This is a reminder
to members to look out for your
2015 membership renewals due to be posted to you late
Please be aware that 2015 renewals will be by
credit card
payment online
direct debit only
. You will be required
to enter your PSR points during the renewal process. We
would encourage you to use the opportunity to confirm
your current postal and practice details, as having this
information up-to-date assists the Association in its lobbying
and advocacy, and for those who wish to appear on the Find
A Speech Pathologist Search, it provides the public with
accurate information.
Should you have any membership queries please contact
the Association on 1300 368 835 or
Marni Bradley
Manager, Member Services & Operations
Reminder: 2015 Member Renewals
Provisional CPSP Information
for New Graduates as of 2015
As of 2015, new graduate speech
pathologists will be able to earn
Provisional CPSP in their first year of
joining or renewing as a Practising
member. This is predicated on the
member signing their renewal form which
includes an agreement to undertake a
minimal level of clinical supervision, and
undertake professional development, as
part of the Professional Self Regulation
program. As of 2016 CPSP status – full
and provisional – will be deemed as
the requirement to be considered a
Practising member for Medicare Provider
Number and Health Funds. Information
will be mailed out soon to final year
Student Members and Universities.
What will this involve?
When new graduates are upgrading
from SPA Student membership or
joining as a Practising member in their
first year of practice, the member
declaration for new graduates to sign/
agree to in their first year of practice
includes a statement that they are
granted Provisional CPSP status on
the basis that they are obligated to
undertake activities as required to
move to full CPSP status when they
renew as a Certified Practising member
at the first renewal period after they
have completed all requirements. In
being conferred with Provisional CPSP
status, these members are obligated to
undertake the following:
Sufficient professional development to
meet the annual requirements of the
Professional Self Regulation program.
Earning at least the ceiling level
for activity types of 12 points per
annum points in the PSR activity type
‘Mentoring, peer support, clinical
supervision’ (Code M), thereby needing
to achieve an average minimum of 1
hour per month in a calendar year.
The activity type ‘Mentoring, peer
support, clinical supervision’ (Code
M) includes the following activities:
Supervision involves regular meetings
between a senior and junior clinician
with an emphasis on clinical
accountability and skill development
of the junior speech pathologist.
Mentoring relationships are directed
by the needs of the mentee in order
to develop clinical, professional and
personal skills through reflective
practice and support from the
more experienced mentor/speech
pathologist. Peer support involves
mutual support, guidance and
sharing of information and resources
between similarly experienced speech
pathologists. Contact can be via direct
contact, email, phone or video link-up,
and 1:1 or small group. All members
participating in these relationships are
entitled to 1 point per hour of contact.
Additional training in core areas
related to professional practice by
completing online SPA resources on
Evidence-Based Practice and Ethics
What will the time frame be?
End-of-year graduates can move
to full Certified Practising status in
the first renewal year after their
upgrade or joining as a Certified
Practising member following
completion of Provisional CPSP year
For mid-year graduates, Provisional
CPSP will be offered and they will
be granted an extension to have
18 months to move to full CPSP
status. This complies with MRA
requirements that full CPSP status
cannot be acquired before at least
12 months post-course completion.
For more details please go to the
SPA website and log in as a member,
then to
Sharon Crane
Senior Advisor Professional Education &
Certification (CPD & PSR)