Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology, 4e - page 197

U N I T 2
Integrative Body Functions
Disorders of Potassium Balance
As the major intracellular cation, potassium is criti-
cal to many body functions, including maintenance of
the osmotic integrity of cells, acid–base balance, and
the intricate chemical reactions that transform carbo-
hydrates into energy and convert amino acids to pro-
teins. Potassium also plays a critical role in conducting
nerve impulses and controlling the excitability of skel-
etal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. It does this by regu-
lating the resting membrane potential, the opening of
sodium channels that control the flow of current during
the action potential, and the rate of repolarization.
Changes in nerve and muscle excitability are particu-
larly important in the heart, where alterations in serum
potassium levels can produce serious cardiac arrhyth-
mias and conduction defects. Changes in serum potas-
sium levels also affect the electrical activity of skeletal
muscles and the smooth muscle in the blood vessels and
gastrointestinal tract.
resting membrane potential
is determined by
the ratio of ECF to ICF potassium concentration (see
Chapter 1, “Understanding Membrane Potentials”).
in the ECF potassium concentration (hypo-
kalemia) causes the resting membrane potential to
become more negative, moving it further from the
threshold for excitation (Fig. 8-11). Thus, it takes a
greater stimulus to reach the threshold potential and
open the sodium channels that are responsible for
the action potential. An
in serum potassium
(hyperkalemia) has the opposite effect; it causes the
resting membrane potential to become more positive,
moving it closer to the threshold. With severe hyper-
kalemia, the resting membrane potential approaches
the threshold potential, causing sustained subthresh-
old depolarization with a resultant inactivation of
the sodium channels and net decrease in excitability.
rate of repolarization
(return of the membrane
potential toward its resting potential so it can undergo
another action potential) also varies with serum potas-
sium levels. It is more rapid in hyperkalemia and
delayed in hypokalemia.
refers to a decrease in serum potassium
levels below 3.5 mEq/L (3.5 mmol/L). The causes of
potassium deficit can be grouped into three categories:
inadequate intake; excessive gastrointestinal, renal,
and skin losses; and a shift between the ICF and ECF
Inadequate dietary intake
is a frequent cause of hypo-
kalemia. Insufficient dietary intake may result from the
inability to obtain or ingest food or from a diet that is
low in potassium-containing foods. Potassium intake is
often inadequate in persons on fad diets and those who
have eating disorders. Elderly persons are particularly
likely to have potassium deficits.
Excessive renal losses
of potassium occur with
diuretic therapy, metabolic alkalosis, magnesium
depletion, trauma and stress, and an increase in aldo-
sterone levels. Diuretic therapy, with the exception
of potassium-sparing diuretics, is the most common
cause of hypokalemia. Both thiazide and loop diuretics
increase the loss of potassium in the urine. Magnesium
depletion, which often coexists with potassium deple-
tion due to diuretic therapy, produces additional uri-
nary losses. Renal losses of potassium are accentuated
by aldosterone. Primary aldosteronism, caused by either
a tumor or hyperplasia of the cells of the adrenal cortex
that secrete aldosterone, can produce severe losses by
increasing potassium secretion in the distal renal tubule
(see Chapter 32).
Although potassium losses from the skin and the gas-
trointestinal tract usually are minimal, these losses can
become excessive under certain conditions. For exam-
ple, burns increase surface losses of potassium. Intestinal
secretions contain relatively large amounts of potassium
(e.g., 85 to 90 mEq/L), thus diarrhea can produce large
losses of potassium.
Hypokalemia can also be caused by
lar shifting
of potassium from the ECF compartment
(see Fig. 8-10). A wide variety of
-adrenergic ago-
nist drugs (e.g., decongestants and bronchodilators)
produce an intracellular shift in potassium, causing a
transient decrease in serum potassium levels.
also increases the movement of potassium into the cell.
Because insulin increases the movement of glucose and
potassium into cells, potassium deficit often develops
during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis.
The manifestations of hypokalemia
include alterations in neuromuscular, gastrointestinal,
renal, and cardiovascular function
(Table 8-5).
These manifestations reflect the effects of hypokale-
mia on the electrical activity of excitable tissues such as
those of the neuromuscular systems as well as the body’s
FIGURE 8-11.
Effect of changes in serum hypokalemia (red)
and hyperkalemia (blue) on the resting membrane potential in
relation to the threshold potential.
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