Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology, 4e - page 585

C h a p t e r 2 3
Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange
deoxygenated hemoglobin, and an infrared-wavelength
light that is absorbed by oxygenated hemoglobin and
passes through deoxygenated hemoglobin. The pulse
oximeter cannot distinguish between oxygen–carrying
hemoglobin and carbonmonoxide–carrying hemoglobin.
In addition, the pulse oximeter cannot detect elevated
levels of methemoglobin. Although pulse oximetry is not
as accurate as arterial blood gas measurements, it pro-
vides the means for noninvasive and continuous moni-
toring of O
saturation, which is a useful indicator of
respiratory and circulatory status.
Treatment of hypoxemia is directed toward correct-
ing the cause of the disorder and increasing the gradient
for diffusion through the administration of supplemen-
tal oxygen. Oxygen may be delivered by nasal cannula
or mask or administered directly into an endotracheal
or tracheostomy tube in persons who are mechanically
A high-flow administration system is one in
which the flow rate and reserve capacity are sufficient to
provide all the inspired air. A low-flow administration
system delivers less than the total inspired air. The con-
centration of O
being administered (usually determined
by the flow rate) is based on the PO
. Ahigh flow ratemust
be carefully monitored in persons with chronic lung dis-
ease because increases in alveolar oxygen concentration
above the person’s baseline may suppress the hypoxia-
induced ventilatory drive. Although oxygen is necessary
and vital to life, there also is the danger of oxygen toxic-
ity with concentrations above 60%. Continuous breath-
ing of oxygen at high concentrations can lead to diffuse
parenchymal lung injury due to oxygen free radicals.
Persons with healthy lungs begin to experience respira-
tory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, substernal
distress, nasal congestion, and painful inspiration after
breathing pure oxygen for 24 hours.
Hypercapnia refers to an increase in the carbon diox-
ide content of the arterial blood.
is pro-
portional to carbon dioxide production and inversely
related to alveolar ventilation. The diagnosis of hyper-
capnia is based on physiologic manifestations and arte-
rial blood gas levels.
Hypercapnia can occur in a number of disorders that
cause hypoventilation or mismatching of ventilation and
The diffusing capacity of carbon dioxide is
20 times that of oxygen; therefore, hypercapnia without
hypoxemia is usually observed only in situations when
supplemental oxygen is provided. In cases of ventilation–
perfusion mismatching, hypercapnia is usually accom-
panied by a decrease in arterial PO
levels. Conditions
that increase carbon dioxide production, such as an
increase in metabolic rate or a high-carbohydrate diet,
can contribute to the degree of hypercapnia that occurs
in persons with impaired respiratory function. Changes
in the metabolic rate resulting from an increase in activ-
ity, fever, or disease can have profound effects on carbon
dioxide production. Alveolar ventilation usually rises
proportionally with these changes, and hypercapnia
occurs only when this increase is inappropriate or a
compensatory rise in alveolar ventilation is inadequate.
Hypercapnia affects a number of body functions,
including acid–base balance, as well as kidney, nervous
system, and cardiovascular function. Elevated levels of
produce respiratory acidosis (see Chapter 8). The
body normally compensates for an increase in PCO
increasing renal bicarbonate (HCO
) retention, which
results in an increase in serum HCO
and pH levels.
As long as the pH is within normal range, the main
complications of hypercapnia are those resulting from
the accompanying hypoxia. Because the body adapts to
chronic increases in blood levels of carbon dioxide, per-
sons with chronic hypercapnia may not have symptoms
until the PCO
becomes markedly elevated, causing
respiratory depression and altered mental status.
The treatment of hypercapnia is directed at decreasing
the work of breathing and improving the ventilation–
perfusion balance. The use of intermittent rest therapy,
such as nocturnal negative-pressure ventilation, in per-
sons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chest
wall disease may be effective in increasing the strength
and endurance of the respiratory muscles and improving
the PCO
. Respiratory muscle retraining aimed at improv-
ing the respiratory muscles, their endurance, or both has
been used to improve exercise tolerance and diminish the
likelihood of respiratory fatigue. Mechanical ventilation
may become necessary in situations of acute hypercapnia.
The primary functions of the respiratory system
are to remove appropriate amounts of carbon
dioxide from the blood entering the pulmonary
circulation and provide adequate amount of
oxygen to blood leaving the pulmonary circulation.
This is accomplished through the process of
ventilation, in which air moves into and out of the
lungs, and diffusion, in which gases move between
the alveoli and the pulmonary capillaries. Although
both affect gas exchange, oxygenation of the
blood largely depends on diffusion, while removal
of carbon dioxide depends on ventilation.
Hypoxemia refers to a decrease in blood
oxygen levels that results in a decrease in tissue
oxygenation. Hypoxemia can occur as the result
of hypoventilation, diffusion impairment, shunt,
and ventilation–perfusion abnormalities. Acute
hypoxemia is manifested by increased respiratory
effort (increased respiratory and heart rates),
cyanosis, and impaired sensory and neurologic
function.The body compensates for chronic
hypoxemia by increased ventilation, pulmonary
vasoconstriction, and increased production of red
blood cells.
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