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the physics of sorrow

memory and you remain in

your childhood forever. To a

certain extent, it ’s merciful.

He also might be going crazy,

everything might just be

in his head. He got up and

slowly went over to the

window. He stood there for

a moment before drawing

aside the tatty curtain, then

abruptly yanks it away. Down

below school kids really

were marching around, in

the same uniforms as fifty

years ago, men and women

in sui ts and long gray

trench coats were standing

around them. The marching

band was doing its routine,

while the sun showered its

glimmering rays into the

brass instruments, which

had been shined with


polish in advance. He hadn’t

thought about



ages. A little farther on stood

the platform. He got dressed

quickly and went downstairs.

They were all real, three-

dimensional, living, the men

with crew cuts, the women

cold-curled, they smelled of

strong, cheap cologne, green

apples, and once-ubiquitous

“Ideal” soap.

They must be shooting a film,

how could he have fallen for

it?Somewherehere thewhole

cinematographic machinery

would reveal itself. The

trucks with the generators,

the cameras, the dollies, and

slider tracks ...He carefully

looked around. There was

no sign of any equipment,

they had hidden it that

well. But still, a bearded

director with a megaphone

would have to appear out of

somewhere shouting “Cut!”

and making everyone go

back for a second take. The

demonstration continued,

however, the music was