wiredinUSA January 2012 - page 27

wiredInUSA - January 2012
Borealis is part of an alliance with 33
other concerned organizations calling
for a single European electricity market.
The Free Movement of Electricity alliance,
whose members range from renewable
energy associations to high-tech
engineering companies, is urging
European legislators to increase
competition in the electricity sector,
improve security of supply, help deliver
climate goals and integrate modern
technologies, including renewables.
The alliance is calling on the European
Parliament and the Council of Ministers
to bring freedom of movement and
enhance cross-border trade in Europe’s
electricity. It says these bodies need to
simplify and better coordinate planning
procedures for electricity infrastructure
projects. They should also agree on
new financing mechanisms to support
the necessary electricity infrastructure
projects and address, at an early stage,
environmental concerns and social
acceptance issues related
to the necessary grid extensions.
“From a practical point of view,
we want to see a simplification in permit
procedures for extending the grid that
will lead to increased installation efficiency
as well as improved environmental
aspects,” says Rudi Peters, Borealis
value chain marketing manager.
Free Movement
of Electricity campaign
For the development of 10 gigabit-
compatible copper networks Datwyler
is offering new RJ45 Category
6A connection components with
the “Plus” suffix.
The KS-T Plus 1/8 module complies
fully with international Standard IEC
60603-7-51 for Category 6A, and
is GHMT certified; it can be used
in mix-and-match installations
to obtain Class EA permanent links
(PM) with sufficient spare capacity.
The “Plus” components carry Datwyler’s
Class EA PM link-compliant 20 year
system warranty, and also meet
the more stringent Standard
requirements (to IEEE 802.3at)
for Power over Ethernet Plus.
Category 6A RJ45
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